September 29, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "The Nurturing and Caring Community: End of Life"

The team that planned and delivered two series of workshops between January and August 2024 will report on what they covered in those workshops, what they learned, and invite discussion from the Fellowship. The overall goal of the two series was the "Good Death," preparing for our own dying, and for the deaths of loved ones.

We in the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, have recognized that we have a large senior membership, and that many seniors live alone without family nearby. This is not just an issue in congregations and organizations, it is an issue across the whole United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2023 Current Population Survey, 28 percent of people 65 and older live by themselves. The gender breakdown shows about 6 million men and slightly more than 10 million women. This 28 percent of seniors does NOT include those living in assisted living and nursing homes.

A UUFSC team was formed to look at and learn about end-of-life issues - since seniors without partners or families nearby are at risk of facing their deaths alone, and often without knowledge of what the dying process entails. The team planned and delivered two series of workshops on End of Life between January and August 2024 to a good percentage of the congregation's members.

The goals of the workshops were to increase our comfort as Fellowship members in talking about death and dying; about grief and bereavement, to help participants prepare for their own deaths and those of their loved ones, as well as practical advice on how to deal with such things as paperwork, planning ahead as much as you can or want to, and practical information about how to be with people as they approach the end of life," said Lynda Aiman-Smith, one of the team facilitators.

The overall goal of the two series was preparing us all for the "Good Death" - that is, preparing for our own dying, and for the deaths of loved ones. In the Sunday Sept. 29, 2024 program, the Team will report on what they covered in those workshops, on what they learned. There will be a discussion period after the presentation. Please join us for this interactive and informative program.

Childcare is available every Sunday. Zoey Cronin will lead a formal children's program on second and fourth Sundays.

Children are welcome to participate on any Sunday, but they will get the most out of the program if they attend second and fourth Sundays somewhat regularly. Family adults may stay for the children's program or attend the adult program. Children are encouraged to bring a small item that represents someone or something they are grateful for that week.

There are speakers on the patio if you wish to enjoy the service outside.

UUFSC Safety Protocol as pursuant to our most recent UUA Guidelines:

Masks are now optional, but their use is encouraged. We will continue to serve refreshments on the patio and in the building. Visitors are always welcome.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City is a diverse group of religious independents seeking knowledge, spiritual sustenance, fellowship and opportunities for service to others. Our programs encompass Humanism, liberal Christianity, earth-based spirituality, Buddhism and many other traditions. If you'd like to find out more, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., visit our website at  or visit us on Facebook at Unitarian-Universalist-Fellowship-of-Silver-City.