PECOS – After a winter closure, the Benedictine Monastery Lake, near the village of Pecos, will be freshly stocked with trout and reopen for fishing at 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 5. The Benedictine Monastery Lake is part of the Department's Open Gate Program. Please visit our website for more information about this property.
If you are planning a fishing trip this spring, the Department has several tools to help you. The Weekly Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing conditions at numerous water bodies throughout the state. The Fishing Conditions and Trip Planner is full of figures depicting fishing conditions for several species and water bodies throughout the year. Additionally, the interactive Fishing Waters Map contains a wealth of information on fishing locations in New Mexico, displaying hundreds of fishing access points with information on fish species available, facilities, accessibility, boat ramps and general regulations.
Anglers are reminded that their 2023-2024 fishing licenses will expire on March 31, 2024. Fishing licenses for the 2024-2025 season will go on sale starting March 25, 2024, and will be valid from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.