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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will combine all universities that are not in Silver City, i.e. not WNMU, into one category under Non-Local News Releases
When this category is created, we have NMSU and ENMU that send us notices.-?
Recent donations of Mata Ortiz pottery and prints to the New Mexico State University Art Museum are the focus of the new exhibition "Mata Ortiz: Highlights from the Lysbeth Warren Anderson Collection." The collection marks the first works of Mata Ortiz pottery added into NMSU's Permanent Art Collection.
The Mata Ortiz exhibition is on display in the UAM's Bunny Conlon Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery in Devasthali Hall through July 20. The exhibition showcases the artistry of more than 20 potters in the distinct Mata Ortiz style that blends tradition with modern and contemporary innovation. This exhibition is free and open to the public.
New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute will host its annual spring plant sale April 18-19 at the Fabián GarcÃa Science Center, 113 W. University Ave., starting at 9 a.m. each day.
This year's sale will feature a variety of chiles, tomatoes, eggplant, squash, herbs and marigold flowers – all grown by Chile Pepper Institute staff and NMSU students.Â
Tomato varieties will include "Gardener's Delight," "Celebrity," "Heatmaster" and the traditional "Beefsteak." Chile varieties will include "NuMex Heritage Big Jim," "NuMex Joe E. Parker," jalapeños, bell peppers and several super-hot peppers including "Trinidad Moruga Scorpion."
New Mexico State University's Arrowhead Center has been named among the winners of a U.S. Department of Energy prize awarded to clean energy innovators across the country.
The Department of Energy also chose Arrowhead Center as the site to announce the winners of the Energy Program for Innovation Clusters, or EPIC, Round 3, Phase 1 program, April 2. Hosting the live announcement at Arrowhead Center was a landmark selection underscoring the vital role Arrowhead Center plays in propelling clean energy innovations and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem that benefits communities — particularly those that are underserved — nationwide, Arrowhead Center officials said.
Eastern New Mexico University has Been Awarded a $60,855 Grant from NASA in Collaboration with the Wex Foundation.
Portales, NM – April 10, 2024 – Eastern New Mexico University has been awarded a $60,855 Grant from NASA in collaboration with the Wex Foundation.
The Wex Foundation was awarded some of the 3.2 million dollars sent out to four institutions to enhance the capability of informal education institutions to host NASA-based learning activities while increasing the institutions' capacity to bring NASA resources to students. ENMU partnered with the WEX Foundation in San Antonio as the higher education partner for their project titled "New Worlds Await You-Next Generation."
New Mexico State University art professor Brita d'Agostino is in Italy this month in an artist residency program, thanks to a seed grant from the NMSU Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development. Â
"The seed grant funding played a pivotal role in securing my artist residency in Italy," d'Agostino said. "It provided dedicated time for professional growth and mentorship in proposal development and research, enabling me to explore fresh opportunities and new possibilities in my work."
A few of New Mexico State University's College of Health, Education and Social Transformation graduate programs ranked in the "2024 Best Graduate Schools" list, including one in the top 100.Â
The programs include social work (tied 94), public health (tied 136), and speech-language pathology (tied 170).Â
"The School of Social Work is extremely proud of our recognition as one of the Best Graduate Programs in 2024," said Stacy Gherardi, interim co-director of the School of Social Work. "We look forward to continuing to support and empower the next generation of social workers to improve the lives of people in the state of New Mexico and beyond through our campus-based and online graduate programs"Â
This year's "Borderland Storytellers" will feature the legacy of Stahmann Farms in a special program to be taped at the KRWG Public Media studios on April 19. Community members along with students, faculty and staff at New Mexico State University are invited to participate in a moderated question-and-answer session with guests who tell their stories."Borderland Storytellers, Stahmann Farms: A Legacy" taping is scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday, April 19, in KRWG studios in Milton Hall, Room 106, on the NMSU Las Cruces campus. The program will be broadcast on KRWG-TV in early May.
New Mexico State University's Model United Nations team was recognized again with top honors during the 2024 MUN conference in New York City, earning the Outstanding Delegation award.
NMSU's Model UN team has earned top honors in 17 of the last 18 years, except for 2020 when the conference was cancelled due to the pandemic.
Outstanding Delegation is the highest of three categories of team awards, the other categories being Distinguished Delegation and Honorable Mention.
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