This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
We want to hear from you!
SANTA TERESA – The New Mexico Department of Transportation held its 2nd public involvement meeting to introduce the purpose and needed improvements to the NM 136 Interchange in Dona Ana County, NM. If you missed the meeting, it's not too late!
What is the purpose?
The objective of the study is to improve operational and safety issues, increase mobility, and enhance economic development.
SANTA TERESA, NM – Between October 8th and 14th, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission will conduct an aerial geographical survey using a low-flying helicopter near La Union, Santa Teresa, and Sunland Park as part of its effort to map subsurface aquifers in the area to improve understanding of available groundwater resources. Improved understanding of available groundwater resources will aid sustainable groundwater use efforts in the region.
During the geographical survey, instruments suspended below a helicopter, approximately 100 feet above the ground, will collect subsurface measurements along pre-planned flight lines. Measurements are made by creating an electromagnetic signal that interacts with the geologic materials beneath the land surface, stimulating a response from those materials and generating a signal that is picked up by receivers. When combined with well data and knowledge of the geology, this geophysical data can produce a three-dimensional picture of the geographic extent of sands, gravels, and clays that make up the aquifers of the regional groundwater system.
Statewide, NM - State Police will be conducting sobriety checkpoints, saturation
patrols; and registration, insurance, and driver's license checkpoints in all New
Mexico counties during October 2024.
We are bringing awareness to these events to reduce impaired driving-related fatalities through continued media attention and intensive advertising.
These checkpoints are helping to change society's attitude about driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
SANTA FE, NM – During the weekend of September 14-15, more than 170 Girl Scouts took part in recreational and educational events at New Mexico State Parks as part of the national Girl Scouts Love State Parks initiative.
This is the fifth year State Parks has partnered with Girls Scouts of New Mexico Trails, Girl Scouts of the USA, and the National Association of State Parks Directors to celebrate the outdoors and conservation by hosting immersive events for the Girl Scouts and their families.
The New Mexico History Museum (NMHM) invites the public to the opening celebration of the new exhibition, Forks in the Road: A Diner's Guide to New Mexico.
What: NMHM is hosting a grand opening event of their newest exhibition, Forks in the Road: A Diner's Guide to New Mexico. This immersive exhibit explores the rich culinary history of the state, featuring iconic eateries, fascinating stories, and a variety of interactive elements. The museum will host a Cooking with Kids demonstration, performances by Wise Fool New Mexico circus, and refreshments. Admission is free to New Mexico residents.
HOUSTON, TEXAS - The Remembrance Project invites the public to join in recognizing the Remembrance Month for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens in their local communities during the month of October. The public is encouraged to be a strong voice in honoring and remembering their fellow-Americans and remind legislators to not dismiss the high cost of illegal immigration.
The Stolen Lives Quilt memorial banners are available on The Remembrance Project's website for downloading and sharing on social media, with local media, and with all officials elected to protect citizens. A Remembrance Flag is also available in helping to recognize this solemn month.
National Director for The Remembrance Project, Maria Espinoza stated, "The Remembrance Month will go a long way in giving the victims' families some measure of justice and remind the citizenry that every killing was entirely preventable. The remembrance month extends President Donald Trump's proclamation for a national remembrance day he signed in October, 2020 for our organization."
Join a Fort Selden Historic Site ranger for a guided tour of the fort ruins in the morning. Participants will explore 1400 years of history from the Native American farmers, or Mogollon, who lived on this land as early as 400 A.D. to the Spanish in the late 1500s to the American military in the mid-1800s. The tour is included as part of general admission of $5 per adult. Children 16 years old and younger are free. NM residents over the age of 60 are free on Wednesdays.
Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 9 - 10 a.m.
Fort Selden Historic Site, 1280 Fort Selden Road, Radium Springs, NM 88054. Take NM I-25, Exit 19, Radium Springs – Follow the signs.
These guided tours offer visitors a broad history of the site, as well as a beautiful landscape to explore and learn more about.
Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 6 p.m.
The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) invites you to a public involvement meeting to discuss the study underway for US Highway 60 in Socorro between Mantanza Arroyo (milepost 136.2) and South California Street (milepost 139), which is funded under Control Number 1102050. Since the last public meeting hosted in 2023, the team considered all input received, refined the alternatives, and conducted a detailed evaluation to identify the recommended improvements for US 60.
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