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[Editor's Note: This article concludes the actual public hearing and is the fourth of a multi-part series of the meeting, due to its length This author had no access to the speaker list, so some names may be misspelled. Please email
By Mary Alice Murphy
Continuing the public hearing, more speakers presented their comments.
Dave Becker was called next by the Hearing Judge Col. Joshua Rosen. Becker said he lives in Silver City "for the quiet and natural beauty, as well as the recreational opportunities. I have read a lot of EIS reports. This is the most lazy and unprofessional one I've seen. It has so many deficiencies, including sorties that are not going to happen. There is no meaningful mention of the Goldwater Range. Why not carve out the wilderness? There is no development of a baseline. Thousands use the Gila. The CBO plans to sue. As an experienced environmental lawyer, I think they will win."
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy (and she's not happy with some of them!)
The Grant County Fairgrounds had a busy parking lot with families and individuals coming in for the last day of the fair. Food vendors stayed busy, several outdoor booths offered information to fair visitors, and the Exhibit Hall had information booths, as well as lots of panels full of art by youths and adults, quilts, as well as tables covered with crafts and showing winning ribbons.
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
[Editor's Note: Apologies for the quality of some of the photos. The lighting was difficult that day, with it being cloudy and sunny and in between.)
Southwest New Mexico ACT Executive Director Lee Gruber welcomed everyone to the awards appreciation for those who have worked and volunteered on the landscaping of the Silver City Waterworks building.
"This is the first of our Five Points Project," Gruber said, as she apologized for getting emotional. "This was and still is a labor of love, with the entire community participating. Years ago, we talked to (Silver City Manager) Alex (Brown) about our plans and he said: 'Just run with it.' We've been running ever since. We owe great thanks to the community, our young people, including Americorps and YCC (Youth Conservation Corps), all of whom have been involved and have devoted their time and energy to fix this place up."
Silver Alert in Deming NM James Waterman HAS BEEN LOCATED
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting August 27, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince, and Stan Snider.
Cano ask that the agenda be approved with the removal of the agenda item pertaining to the job performance of the town manager regarding his oversight of the police department. Prince did not want to remove it because he felt it would be appropriate because of pending litigation. Cano said she had been the one to bring it to the council but since the situation had been dealt with and the council can't talk about pending litigation because it had not been listed on the agenda. It will have to be put on the next agenda. The councilors, except for Prince, voted to remove it.
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