“We’re scared of Kamala Harris; she put black men like me in prison.”

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Washington Post, “Crime lab scandal, photo Marcio Jose Sanchez  / AP.

 I have often reflected on a conversation I had with a buddy. I shared the articles I wrote with him and expected pushback, but I was surprised with his response; he told me he was supporting Trump. Then he explained, ”Kamala Harris puts black men like me in prison.” Carla Bell's editorial in the Miami Herald, “Black Americans should hold their adoration—Kamala Harris has done real damage.” explains why.

 Shock and Awe

As a child, I remember seeing images in the newspaper and video clips on the evening news of the civil rights marches and the brutality of the state and local police. I did not understand how we could treat individuals this way.

As an adult, I see images and videos of older male supporters of Donald Trump paraded in front of the media in the middle of the night. They were handcuffed, barefoot, and in their pajamas with the FBI SWAT team (with body armor and automatic rifles) in front and back.

As a child and later as a teenager, I was relieved the Federal Government stepped in to stop the brutality of the local and state police and ended the discrimination and segregation (my ex-brother-in-law was one of the National Guard members in Little Rock during the de-segregation of the high school).

Today, it is not just the federal government targeting concerned parents, Catholics, conservatives, and Trump supporters. It is also the mainstream media and the national Democratic Party leaders leading the persecution of these groups of individuals.

“Shock and awe is a military strategy based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight.” Though the concept has a variety of historical precedents, the doctrine was explained by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wikipedia

Self-immolation is the most extreme method of protest.

Even though I was nine years old when the Buddhist monk self-immolated himself in Saigon, I have never forgotten it. The image was on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and nightly news program, and why he chose to end his life in such a manner. He was protesting the US-backed South Vietnamese regime of President Diem.

Today, few are even aware an individual self-immolated himself in front of the New York courthouse where President Trump is being tried. Most stories ended with him being treated for burns at a local hospital and being upset with Biden and Trump. Later news reports stated he died from his burns.

Why would Maxwell Azzarello self-immolate in front of the judge and prosecutor of Trump's trial? Could it be That Trump was tried and found guilty of inflating his assets and fined hundreds of millions of dollars? Trump was tried and found guilty of sexually abusing a woman three decades earlier without any evidence, just her word vs Trump’s word. At this courthouse, Trump is now being tried for an action that is not illegal. Was Azzarello protesting Lawfare?     

“Self-immolation is the act of setting oneself on fire. It is mostly done for political or religious reasons, often as a form of protest or in acts of martyrdom. Due to its disturbing and violent nature, it is considered one of the most extreme methods of protest.” Wikipedia

Assassination cancels all votes.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963; Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968; and Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1968. There was an assassination attempt on President Ford in 1972 and on President Reagan in 1981. Who in this country believes that the assassination or attempted assassination of our country’s leaders was good for our country?

For some, locking up President Trump is not enough. Democrat Congressman Bennie Thompson, ranking member of the Committee on Homeland Security, has introduced legislation removing Secret Service protection from anyone convicted of a felony and sentenced to prison. He and others like him believe the “right leader” should be six feet underground.

“An assassination is defined as the deliberate, premediated murder of a prominent figure, often for religious, pollical or monetary reasons.” Wikipedia

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Those simple words, ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country,” were penned by an American like you and I. Charles Weller penned those words in the early 1900s, which was a typing exercise for people learning to type. I took a typing class in high school, and I can imagine many individuals who went to war in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War had also typed those words over and over as I had, before they went to war. 

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. In the last several years, I have reached out to American-Japanese and American-Chinese organizations to join me on my radio program to discuss the discrimination by Ivy League Universities (ADL will join me on my radio show on May 11). I reached out to the Anti-Defamation League about outreach to Jews and antisemitism. I reached out to the catholic church and evangelical churches. I reached out to the Sierra Club. I have reached out to political candidates. I have reached out to business leaders. The response has been deafening silence. I get it; it is terrifying to stand apart from the crowd and become a target.

Donald Trump answered the call. I have answered the call. Will you answer the call? Because we cannot win without your help.

Your Country Needs You.

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