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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
Wondering what they are? So am I. Thankfully, we don't have any rentals.Â
I'm wondering exactly what this is about, but I'm soon to find out! Have a listen!
What do they do that is worse than what our government does?
I started doing my radio show in 2005. For those of you that have not heard it, it's a cross between a political commentary show and Paul Harvey's page 3. You might recall or maybe you're too young to remember that Paul Harvey told amusing or feel good type stories on Page 3. Over the years, I haven't had much trouble finding stories to provide that balance. Until the last 2 or 2 1/2 years. Now I have a difficult time finding the amusing stories because many of those websites or news sources where I could find them are filled with more serious news. I also don't have enough time to talk about the issues facing our country under this administration especially. There are simply too many stories of the abuse of power by our government, for example, I can't even get to some of the international stories that I used to look at.
A milestone was surpassed last night in women's college basketball. Caitlin Clark of the University of Iowa women's basketball team broke the all-time NCAA women's scoring record. Clark put up 49 points against Michigan last night and stands at 3,569 career points. She surpassed the record set by Kelsey Plum, who registered 3,527 career points. Clark still has the rest of this season and could return to Iowa for another year if she chooses to do so. The interesting thing is the attention garnered by her effort and paid to women's sports recently.
Last night tickets for the Hawkeyes basketball game started at $250. Some reports put the price around $1000 in the secondary market. Dozens of media outlets sent reporters to cover the event and regular programming on many sports stations was interrupted when she made the shot that broke the record. Sports talk shows are regularly discussing women's basketball and to a lesser extent softball and volleyball. The fact that so much attention was paid, and interest was shown in the game and her attempt to break the record tells us how far women's sports has come in the last couple of decades.
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