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10:00am - 05:00pm Spring Festival of Photography & Crafts :: Arts & Music
The Festival is the season opening of the Grant County Art Guild and features some of the newest works of the Guild's photographers and crafters.
Contact 590-1587
01:00pm - 07:00pm Cinco de Mayo Tardeada: Grant County Musicians :: Arts & Music
FREE. Local musical talents including Illusion Band, Inspiracion, Angelica Padilla, Hell to Pay and Los Alegres will perform. Food and artisan vendors will be present at the tardeada, which is partially a commemoration of the Cinco de Mayo holiday and also a showcase of musicians ...
Contact 538-6336
01:00pm - 02:00pm Spinning & Knitting Demonstrations :: Arts & Music
Contact 538-5921
03:00pm "I Will Arise" Chamber Singers Concert :: Arts & Music
Featuring music by Dake, Burton & Lane, Chatman, Peloquin, Parry, Dowland, & PDQ Bach. Reception follows the concert.
06:30pm Film: "Somewhere in New Mexico Before the End of Time" :: Arts & Music
Somewhere in New Mexico Before the End of Time is an independent film to be shown for the first time in New Mexico. Dr. Guy McPherson, a resident of Grant County, and a few others have built an off-the-grid, permaculture homestead ...
Contact 574-8497
07:30pm Sean Lucy :: Arts & Music
Folk Rock from Albuquerque
Contact 538-9911
04:00pm - 05:30pm Mother Daughter Artist Guild Exhibit :: Arts & Music
The public is invited to the Mother/Daughter Artist Guild's Reception, featuring participating artists Nikki Muise, Arlene Rezman and Roz Springer. The show will be on exhibit during the month of May from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday through Friday.
Contact 538-2505
07:00pm Hi Lo Silvers Spring Concert :: Arts & Music
FREE. Singers are directed by Valdeen Wooton and accompanied by Virginia Robertson on piano and Bill Baldwin on bass violin. ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ...
07:30pm The Bus Tapes :: Arts & Music
Folk Rock from Santa Fe
Contact 538-9911
10:00am - 04:00pm Primitive Pottery Making and Pit Firing Workshop :: Arts & Music
May 11 & 12. May 11: Create a Southwest Style bowl in the ancient way with Primitive Potter Antonia Young. Learn the complete process starting with raw clay, forming the bowl shape, and painting designs. Includes gourmet vegetarian lunch. May 12: ...
Contact 574-7119
02:00pm - 03:00pm Book Signing: "New Mexico Wine, An Enchanting History" :: Arts & Music
Presentation and book signing by author Donna Blake Birchell of her book, New Mexico Wine, An Enchanting History.
Contact 538-5921
07:30pm The Bus Tapes :: Arts & Music
Folk Rock from Santa Fe
Contact 538-9911
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