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02:00pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
02:30pm Mary Poppins – The Broadway Musical :: Arts & Music
Your favorite songs and characters brought to life as WNMU and Theatre Group New Mexico present a live production of Mary Poppins. General admission $10, students $7.
Location WNMU Fine Arts Theatre
03:00pm Hi Lo Silvers Spring Concert :: Arts & Music
FREE.Hi Lo Silvers presents their Spring Concert, directed by Nada Dates and accompanied by Rhonda Gorog on piano and Bill Baldwin on string bass.The chorus will sing old favorites, spirituals, westerns and songs from Broadway and film.
Location First Presbyterian Church
Contact Caroline Baldwin 388-8771
05:00pm - 08:00pm Art Opening :: Arts & Music
"A" Double Show - Wood & Metal. Cottonwood carvings by Juan Velasco and metal car hood sculpture by Linda Joanou. Refreshments.
Location ASpace Gallery
07:00pm Open Mic :: Arts & Music
Location Diane's Parlor
09:00am CLAY Festival :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
07:00pm Open Mic :: Arts & Music
with Mike Montoya
Location Buckhorn Opera House
09:00am CLAY Festival 2015 :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
06:30pm Scott van Linge :: Arts & Music
Blues, folk, country and rock 'n roll oldies. Free.
Location Diane's Parlor
09:00am CLAY Festival 2015 :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
05:30pm - 06:45pm Move & Groove with Zoe Wolfe :: Arts & Music
New participants are always welcome.
Location Lotus Center
06:00pm - 09:00pm Q’s Bistro Open Mic Night :: Arts & Music
Q's is now hosting an Open Mic event every Wednesday
Location Q's Bistro
07:00pm Buckhorn Music :: Arts & Music
Hosted by Byron Trammell
Location Buckhorn Saloon
09:00am CLAY Festival 2015 :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
05:30pm - 06:30pm Poetry---Four Women Reading :: Arts & Music
Judith Kenney, Beate Sigriddaughter, inaugural Silver City Poet Laureate Bonnie Maldonado, and current Silver City Poet Laureate Elise Stuart will read in honor of National Poetry Month. Free. No registration necessary.
Location Silver City Public Library
09:00am CLAY Festival 2015 :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
03:00pm - 06:00pm Hutchings Fine Art Gallery Open House :: Arts & Music
Deborah Hutchings' impressionist realism paintings. Paired with Navajo weavings by award-winning Marie Sheppard
Location Hutchings Fine Art
Contact 575-313-6939 or email
06:00pm - 08:00pm Fiber Artist Trails Community Meeting :: Arts & Music
If you are a fiber artist of animal or plant materials, come learn how your art canbe highlighted.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact (505) 747-3577 or
06:00pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
07:00pm An Evening of Jazz with Noteworks :: Arts & Music
Originating from El Paso and with some members from New Mexico, Noteworks creates a unique blend of traditional jazz with contemporary sounds and rhythms in their original music. Tickets $5 for the general public, free to WNMU students with Mustang ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
07:00pm Cowboy at the Bay :: Arts & Music
A free play by Scott Knight. Free. Tickets: Encore, Alotto Gelato , Pretty SweetEmporium and Gila Hike and Bike.
Location WNMU Chase Webb Theatre
07:00pm Cygne :: Arts & Music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
07:30pm Peter & Brandon :: Arts & Music
Live Music.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
09:30pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
09:00am CLAY Festival 2015 :: Arts & Music
Check web site for details: www.CLAYFestival.com
06:00pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
07:00pm Cowboy at the Bay :: Arts & Music
A free play by Scott Knight. Free. Tickets: Encore, Alotto Gelato, Pretty Sweet Emporium and Gila Hike and Bike.
Location WNMU Chase Webb Theatre
07:00pm Cygne :: Arts & Music
Location Buckhorn Saloon
Contact 538-9911
07:30pm Tish Hinojosa :: Arts & Music
CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS! Her music explores a wide variety of styles, ranging from the perfect balance of country, folk, and Latino elements, to delicate mysticism.
Location Buckhorn Opera House
09:30pm Movies at Light Hall :: Arts & Music
FREE for WNMU students; community students - $1; adults - $2.Fridays, 6 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 & 9:30 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m.Concession items available for sale. Movie titles: http://movies.wnmu.edu.
Location WNMU Light Hall
Contact 538-6336
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