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Cosmic Campground Weekend :: Social Events
The Alpha Capricornids metor shower is active from July 11 through August with a "plateau-like" maximum centered on July 29. This shower is not very strong and rarely produces in excess of five shower members per hour. What is notable ...
Location Cosmic Campground
Contact www.cosmiccampground.org/
12:00pm - 06:00pm Second Annual Silver City Wine Festival :: Social Events
This two-day event will feature a dozen of the state’s best wineries, alongside exceptional food and artisans. Crafts, live music, clay workshops and lawn games will also be available throughout the weekend. Tickets cost $15 for early bird, $20 in ...
Location Gough Park
Contact www.nmwine.com or https://holdmyticket.com/event/339216
15th Annual Gila River Festival Online Registration :: Social Events
Online registration events and workshops for the Gila River Festival begins July 1. To find out details and to register go to www.gilariverfestival.org or call 575-538-8078. Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/.
Location Silver City, New Mexico
09:00am - 12:00pm Wednesday Farmers' Market :: Social Events
All kinds of fresh produce available.
Location Ace Hardware
01:00pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
15th Annual Gila River Festival Online Registration :: Social Events
Online registration events and workshops for the Gila River Festival begins July 1. To find out details and to register go to www.gilariverfestival.org or call 575-538-8078. Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GilaRiverFestival/.
Location Silver City, New Mexico
11:00am - 03:00pm Clay Festival: Pueblo Pottery, Stories, Culture & Techniques :: Social Events
Pam Lujan-Hauer / Conversations & Demonstrations: Pueblo Pottery – Stories, Culture & Techniques
Location Copper Quail Gallery
06:00pm Clay Festival: Trinity Miller / Three Rivers Petroglyphs Site: A BLM Recreation Site :: Social Events
Trinity Miller / Three Rivers Petroglyphs Site: A BLM Recreation Site
Location Murray Hotel
06:30pm Grant County Search and Rescue Meeting :: Social Events
We are a professional, all-volunteer team welcoming new members with outdoors skills to assist lost or injured individuals in SW New Mexico.
Location Silver City Town Hall Annex
Contact http://gcsar-nm.org/ or call Kyle at 575-538-5706
11:00am - 03:00pm Clay Festival: Pueblo Pottery, Stories, Culture & Techniques :: Social Events
Pam Lujan-Hauer / Conversations & Demonstrations: Pueblo Pottery – Stories, Culture & Techniques
Location Copper Quail Gallery
12:00pm Youth Mural Camp Mural Dedication :: Social Events
Visiting artist Roger Peet and local artist Alison Phillips will lead this year’s Youth Mural Camp. Peet is the coordinator for the Endangered Species Mural Program--a national effort to paint murals of threatened and endangered wildlife in the communities near ...
Location WNMU Barnard Hall United Campus Ministry
11:00am Mud Pie Contest :: Social Events
Children and adults have fun and get creative. Make a magnificent "mud" pie for our 2nd annual contest. Register in advance at www.CLAYfestival.com/MUDpie. Prizes for top three pies.
Location Silver City Farmers Market
Contact www.CLAYfestival.com/MUDpie.
01:00pm - 03:00pm Permaculture Silver City Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
Plant of the Month: Globe Mallow and "Cheeseweed" Mallow (Malva neglecta) - Please share your knowledge, experiences, and ideas about these plants. Skill Share: Using Weeds as a Resource - with Monica Rude.
Location Silver City Visitor Center
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