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10:00am Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - "Forge for the Future” :: Public Meetings
Stephen Lindsey will talk about the Future Forge Makerspace which provides community access to tools, equipment, knowledge, skills, and space to empower Silver City and Grant County’s local innovators.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82458-unitarian-universalist-fellowship-forge-for-the-future
Location 3845 N Swan Street
08:00am - 11:00am Monday Meeting With The Mayor :: Public Meetings
Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner would like to invite your input, ideas and inspirations toward making our town even better than it already is.The there will be two "Monday Meetings With The Mayor" next Monday, February 12, 2024:The first will ...
Location Javalina Coffee Shop
09:00am Upper Gila Valley Arroyos Watershed District :: Public Meetings
The meeting will be held at the Fire Station in Cliff, New Mexico. The meeting will also be available via Zoom. Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82403-board-meeting-of-the-upper-gila-valley-arroyos-watershed-district-february-12-2024
Location Gila/Cliff Fire Department
04:00pm - 07:00pm Monday Meeting With The Mayor :: Public Meetings
Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner would like to invite your input, ideas and inspirations toward making our town even better than it already is.The there will be two "Monday Meetings With The Mayor" next Monday, February 12, 2024:The first will ...
Location Wrangler's Bar and Grill
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary Speaker - Jessica Swapp :: Public Meetings
Jessica Swapp, Grant County Extension 4-H AgentTopic: "Benefits of the Grant County Extension to the People."Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82497-jessica-swapp-to-speak-at-rotary-meeting
Location WNMU Student Memorial Building
05:30pm - 06:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous Meeting :: Public Meetings
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a Twelve Step Fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. Beginning January 9th, 2024, the CoDA meeting in Silver ...
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
06:30pm V-Day Monologues raises money for nonprofit Rape Crisis Center :: Public Meetings
This Valentine’s Day, WNMU Fine Arts Center Theatre hosts a “one night only” production to raise money and awareness for the mission and vision of Silver Regional Sexual Assault Support Services. $15 Tickets are available now online or $20 at the ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Theatre
07:00pm The History of the Silva Creek Botanical Garden :: Public Meetings
Gila Native Plant Society has asked longtime GNPS members and garden volunteers Betsy Kaido and Elroy Limmer to give a presentation on “The History of the Silva Creek Botanical Garden.” The program will be presented live at Harlan Hall on ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 12:00pm Pick It Up – Toss No Mas February Spread the Love Community Cleanup :: Public Meetings
Love is in the air, and so is the spirit of cleaning up our community! Join Silver City's Pick It Up–Toss No Mas for their Spread the Love Community Cleanup. This event isn't just about chocolates and flowers; it's about ...
Location Grant County Community Foundation
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