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05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
10:00am St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Mass and Picnic :: Public Meetings
Mass Western New Mexico University Fine Arts Auditorium. The Mass is slated for 10:00 am with doors opening at 9:00 am. The Most Reverend Bishop Peter Baldacchino and St. Vincent de Paul Pastor, Oliver Obele will lead the services with ...
10:00am Unitarian Universalist Fellowship "The Nurturing and Caring Community: End of Life" :: Public Meetings
The team that planned and delivered two series of workshops between January and August 2024 will report on what they covered in those workshops, what they learned, and invite discussion from the Fellowship. The overall goal of the two series ...
Location 3845 N Swan Street
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
06:00pm Grant County Republican Party Meeting :: Public Meetings
Come join us the hear speakers Maurine Laney - Jim Gosney and an update on the candidates See Flyer https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/grant-county-republican-party-meeting-october-1-2024
Location Republican Party Headquarters
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
02:00pm Western New Mexico University to Host 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony :: Public Meetings
WNMU proudly announces its 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, This annual event celebrates the achievements of WNMU alumni who have made significant contributions to their communities, professions, and alma mater. Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/community-news/western-new-mexico-university-to-host-2024-alumni-hall-of-fame-induction-ceremony
Location WNMU Light Hall
05:00am Youth rifle hunts in Fort Bayard area :: Public Meetings
Visitors are advised to wear blaze orange or other brightly colored clothing Hunting season is here! On Saturday, September 28, youth-only deer and elk rifle hunts will begin in the Fort Bayard area within Game Management Unit 24. Trail users are ...
Location Old Fort Bayard
10:00am - 02:00pm Gila Valley Library celebrates 20th anniversary :: Public Meetings
The Gila Valley Library, serving the rural communities of Cliff, Gila, Riverside, Buckhorn, Pleasanton and all the ranches in between, started twenty years ago as a "Developing Library" in a 400 square foot storage room in the back of the ...
Location Gila Valley Public Library
Contact Esti Gutierrez, director at
11:00am Blessing of the Animals - Church of the Good Shepherd :: Public Meetings
Celebrating the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment. Bring your animals!
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
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