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Meet the Candidates :: Political
Heather Wilson, candidate for US Senate, and George Zsoka, candidate for District Attorney, will attend.
Contact 534-9811
Progressive Voters Alliance of Grant County :: Political
The non-partisan group will present the January Unified Action. Speakers may then present issues of concern.
Meet & Greet the Candidate :: Political
Meet George Zsoka, Candidate for District Attorney of Grant, Luna, and Hidalgo Counties.
ACLU of New Mexico Meeting :: Political
Business meeting follows public discussion.
Democratic Party Election Forum :: Political
3rd Thursdays until Election 2012. This month's topic is "Confronting Race and Ethnicity." Dr. Gilda Baeza Ortego will moderate the forum. Speakers include Dr. Emma Bailey, WNMU Professor of Sociology; Dr. Isaac Brundage, WNMU Vice President for Student Affairs; Juan ...
Contact 388-9557
Grant County Pre-Primary Biennial Convention :: Political
Delegates to the State Conventioin will be elected. Anyone interested in being nominated as Delegate must be present.
RIP Mexicano-Chicano Studies? :: Political
Panel discussion regarding the elimination of Mexican American Studies and the banning of books by Chicano, African American, and Native writers by the Tucson Unified School District.
Mayoral & Town Council Election Forum :: Political
Silver City TEA Party Patriots will host a non-partisan public forum for Mayoral and Town Council candidates for election in March. The forum will be moderated, and each candidate will present opening remarks with questions from the audience encouraged.
Progressive Voters Alliance :: Political
Southwest Council of Governments Meeting :: Political
Congressman Steve Pearce's staff from both New Mexico and Washington offices will meet with local Council of Government officials to discuss priorities for the region.
Grant County Democratic Party Convention :: Political
Registration to elect 27 delegates to attend the state's pre-primary convention. Many statewide candidates will be speaking. Food provided. Precinct meetings to follow at 4 pm.
Teach In: Horizontal Democracy Process :: Political
Learnings from "Occupy Tucson" facilitated by Bo; learnings from the film Inside Job facilitated by Lynda.
Contact 519-1680
Teach In: Occupy Silver City :: Political
Learning from the film Inside Job faciliatated by Lynda Aiman-Smith, Associate Professor of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, NC State University.
Contact 519-1680
Democratic Party Election Forum :: Political
3rd Thursdays until Election 2012. The theme of this forum is "Voices of Youth." Local area young people will share their visions of the future and whether the electoral process can help achieve them. Panelists include: Guadalupe Cano, candidate for NM House ...
Contact 388-9557
Republican Party Monthly Meeting :: Political
3rd Wednesdays. Cynthia J. Patterson, candidate for 6th Judicial District Judge, will be our speaker. Bring your questions!
Contact 534-9811
Tea Party Patriots Meeting :: Political
2nd and 4th Tuesdays. This meeting's speaker will be Paul Gessing, President of The Rio Grande Foundation (RGF), which is dedicated to increasing liberty and prosperity for all of New Mexico's citizens. Through RGF, New Mexicans are informed of the ...
Progressive Voters Alliance Meeting :: Political
Join this non-partisan group as advocates of social and economic justice, political equality, and environmental stewardship.
Contact 534-9005
District Attorney Candidates Forum :: Political
The Silver City-Grant County TEA Party Patriots will host a forum for candidates running for the office of District Attorney. Each candidate will speak, and voters will have the opportunity to pose questions to the candidates. Open to the public.
Dinner with Senator Udall :: Political
Grant County Democratic Party hosts a brisket dinner with Senator Tom Udall in lieu of the regular monthly meeting. For reservations, call 654-6060.
Contact 654-6060
Republican Party Monthly Meeting :: Political
3rd Wednesdays.
Contact 534-9811
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