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Silco Sale: "Out with the Old, In with the New" :: Fundraiser
The theater seats and additional items are going on sale at the Silco Theater.Proceeds from the sale will be put toward theater construction costs for the Silco Theater Renovation Project scheduled to begin on January 13.
Location Silco Theater
Contact 574-8394
9 Breath Method and Prayer Circle :: Fundraiser
Detailed lesson on the 9-Breath Method, followed by the Prayer Circle; $10.All proceeds will be donated to The Grant County Community Food Pantry.
Location Integrative Health and Wellness Center
Contact 388-2098
2014 Relay For Life of Grant County Kickoff :: Fundraiser
Teams forming now.Survivors, caregivers and individuals who want to participate in RFL or learn more about the American Cancer Society's annual fundraising signature event should come to the Kickoff Meeting.Food, music & information will be available in the High School ...
Location Silver High School
Contact (310) 713-2948
Bridge Community Early Sunday Supper :: Fundraiser
Pasta, salad, bread, dessert and beverage for $10 donation.Music by Spare Parts, a Barbershop Quartet.Proceeds benefit the Bridge Community, a project to bring a continuum of care (independent through end-of-life) senior living facility, all on one campus, to Silver City.
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 538-5754
WNMU Veterans Club SUPER BOWL Party! :: Fundraiser
Help the WNMU Veteran's Club raise much needed money for Veterans and their families.Wear your team's favorite colors; bring family and friends; food and drink at special prices; tons of games and prizes!Stay until the game is over and then ...
Location VFW Silver City Bayard Post 3347
Contact 574-8109
Women's Club Valentine Dinner :: Fundraiser
Awesome appetizers and punch. Dinner begins at 6:30.The annual event is catered by the Woman’s Club Kitchen Committee. All net proceeds go to the Woman’s Club Scholarship Fund. Door prizes for all attendees. $20
Location Silver City Woman's Club
Contact 534-0505
Aldo Leopold School's "Night at the Opera House" :: Fundraiser
Aldo Leopold Charter School's annual fundraising event will feature gourmet food served by Aldo Leopold students and over $6,000 worth of donated items from local merchants and artists to be auctioned.Music will be provided by Rhythm Mystic and Brendan Perrault.The ...
Location Buckhorn Opera House
Contact 313-6781
Silco Theater Benefit Breakfast :: Fundraiser
Benefit Breakfast for the Silco Theater Renovations sponsored by the VVA Chapter 358, the Leatherheads Motorcycle Club.$5.00 Pancakes, hash browns, eggs and bacon or sausage. Coffee and fruit juice for an additional charge.
Location Knights of Columbus Hall
Contact 313-5116
Bridge Community Early Sunday Supper :: Fundraiser
Pasta, salad, bread, dessert and beverage - $10 donation.Music by Danny Reyes, Music Professor at WNMU, and his students.All proceeds benefit Bridge Community, a project to bring a continuum of care senior living facility (independent through end-of-life), all on one campus, to Silver ...
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 538-5754
Pancake Breakfast for Tyrone Fire Department :: Fundraiser
The Tyrone Volunteer Fire Department will have its very first annual Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for equipment and supplies at the Tyrone First Station.Everyone is welcome, and the cost is only $5!
Location Tyrone Volunteer Fire Department
Contact (916) 709-0939
VFW Mardi Gras Costume Party! :: Fundraiser
Wear a Costume and join the fun! Cajun Food, Snacks, and Dessert. Door Prizes and Best Costume Prizes!Entertainment by Hector Carrillo.Open to Members and their guests. We will also have Members to sponsor guests who wish to attend.
Location VFW Silver City Bayard Post 3347
Contact 574-8109
Friends of the Library Quarterly Book Sale :: Fundraiser
Members of Friends of the Library may start at 9:00 am for first selection.There will be a large selection of Mysteries and Western histories 85% to 90% less than on Amazon. Hundreds of Craft, Garden and Cookbooks will be available. ...
Location Friends of the Library Warehouse
GOP St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser :: Fundraiser
This fundraiser will benefit the Party and Kaity Ellis, a Western New Mexico University student who lives with several disabilities and is raising funds to train a professional service dog.A green themed Italian meal will be served for $20 per ...
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 538-1623
Bridge Community Early Sunday Supper :: Fundraiser
Early Evening Dinner & Annual Meeting - Come hear about where we are in the project and what’s next.Dinner: Corned beef & cabbage, bread, dessert and beverage. Donations accepted.Bridge Community is a project to bring a continuum of care senior living facility (independent ...
Location First United Methodist Church
Contact 538-5754
"Springtime in Thailand" Dinner & Show :: Fundraiser
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Grant County will be hosting a Thai Dinner complete with entertainment. The event will be a fundraiser for LGBT Grant County and the services being offered in our community.Chef Dennis Much will prepare the dinner; ...
Location WNMU Dining Hall
Contact 519-5562
WNMU Pottery Sale :: Fundraiser
A great selection of pottery and clay art works donated by WNMU students and faculty, something for everyone.All proceeds to be used for the benefit the WNMU clay program.
Location Clay Sale
Old Fashioned Afternoon Tea Benefit :: Fundraiser
Dr. Shepard will be the host the Afternoon Tea, which will benefit Silver City MainStreet, in the WNMU Sunset Room. The menu includes Sandwiches, Scones, Pastries, Tea and Sherry.Tickets are limited, cost is $50, and they must be purchased by March ...
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 574-8394
Guatemalan Mercado :: Fundraiser
The Mimbres Region Arts Council will host its Guatemalan Mercado with handcrafted, one-of-a-kind items for sale.Items for sale will include woven scarves and shawls, coats and vests, jewelry, backpacks and purses, place settings and tablecloths, pants, skirts, blouses and belts, ...
Location MRAC Gallery
Contact 538-2505
Gila Gobblers Hunting Heritage Banquet :: Fundraiser
The Hunting Heritage Banquets raises funds for wild turkey conservation while combining a great meal with a chance to swap stories with other sportsmen and women. It's a great place to win valuable prizes and purchase items unique to the National ...
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center
Contact 313-2977
"Get Mugged Downtown" Fundraiser :: Fundraiser
A limited number of mugs and the tickets for this event to benefit the Silver City Museum will be available for the advance price of $12 at the Silver City Museum Store beginning March 23. The sale of the limited edition ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 575-538-5921
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