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Grant County Shooting Range to be Closed for Holidays :: Legal Notices
The Grant County Shooting Range will be closed Friday, December 23, 2016 through Thursday, January 5, 2017, in observance of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Regular business hours will resume on Friday, January 6, ...
Contact 575-388-8840
Grant County Administrative Offices Closed For New Years :: Legal Notices
Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. Please contact the Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority at 575-388-8840 with questions or concerns pertaining to roads and/or law enforcement.
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 575-388-8840
Silver City Museum to be Closed for Renovations :: Legal Notices
The Silver City Museum will be closed to the public the first three weeks of January 2017. Please watch for a special grand re-opening announcement. 2017 will be the Silver City Museum’s 50th Anniversary. Please plan to celebrate this milestone ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org or
Silver City Museum to be Closed for Renovations :: Legal Notices
The Silver City Museum will be closed to the public the first three weeks of January 2017. Please watch for a special grand re-opening announcement. 2017 will be the Silver City Museum’s 50th Anniversary. Please plan to celebrate this milestone ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org or
Bayard City Council Work and Regular Sessionss :: Legal Notices
The Bayard City Council will conduct a work session at 1:30 p.m. and a Regular Meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Monday January 09, 2017 at the Bayard City Hall. Items on the agenda relate to old and new business matters. ...
Location Bayard City Hall
Contact 575-537-3327
Town of Hurley Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
This meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to attend. A copy of the agenda will be available at the Hurley Town Hall on Friday, January 6, 2017. If you are an individual with a disability who ...
Location Hurley Town Hall
Contact 575-537-2287
Silver City Historic Design Review Committee Meeting :: Legal Notices
Approval of Minutes –December 14, 2016 regular meeting; New Business HD16-12: Certificate of Compliance for the modification of the residential property addressed as 205 Arizona Street, Silver City, NM. The applicant is the owner, Christian Schlabach. Committee Discussion Updating Section 4.2 of ...
Location City Hall Annex
Contact 575-534-6348 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Tri-City Landfill Commission Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
Copies of the agenda will be available on the Friday before the scheduled meeting at the Bayard City Hall. The public is invited to attend. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, ...
Location Bayard City Hall
Contact 575-537-3327
Silver City Museum to be Closed for Renovations :: Legal Notices
The Silver City Museum will be closed to the public the first three weeks of January 2017. Please watch for a special grand re-opening announcement. 2017 will be the Silver City Museum’s 50th Anniversary. Please plan to celebrate this milestone ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact 575-538-5921 or www.silvercitymuseum.org or
Town of Hurley Ordinance Workshop :: Legal Notices
The Council of the Town of Hurley will hold a workshop to discuss changes to Ordinances.
Location Hurley Town Hall
Bayard City Council Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. Any person wishing to be placed on the agenda should contact the City Clerk no later than 1:30 PM on the Wednesday preceding the posted ...
Location Bayard City Hall
Contact 575-537-3327
Silver City Museum Board Meeting :: Legal Notices
The public is invited to attend. The complete agenda is available on the Town's website at www.townofsilvercity.org, and at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway. If you are an individual with a disability who needs a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language ...
Location Silver City Museum Annex
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Southwest Fire Fighters Work Capacity Test Schedule Update :: Legal Notices
Individuals must have previously attended the annual recruitment meeting to participate. Recruits should dress in appropriate exercise clothing and footwear.
Location Fox Field
Contact http://www.fs.usda.gov/gila/
Southwest Fire Fighters Work Capacity Test Schedule Update :: Legal Notices
Individuals must have previously attended the annual recruitment meeting to participate. Recruits should dress in appropriate exercise clothing and footwear.
Location Fox Field
Contact http://www.fs.usda.gov/gila/
Silver City Public Works Begins Delivery of New Recycling Carts. :: Legal Notices
Current recycling customers will receive carts between February 27th and March 10th. Put out your current recycling bin on the normal collection day to get a new cart. You can continue to recycle paper, plastic, cans and cartons in the ...
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact 575-388-4640
Grant Soil & Water Conservation District Meeting :: Legal Notices
The public is invited to attend.
Location Natural Resources Conservation Service/Grant SWCD Office
Contact 575-388-1569
Grant County Board of Commissioners Special Meeting :: Legal Notices
See website for agenda. http://www.grantcountynm.com/grant_county_nm_info.php?CID=396
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact http://www.grantcountynm.com/grant_county_nm_info.php?CID=396
Last Day for Absentee Voting for Town of Silver City Municipal Election :: Legal Notices
Voters wishing to vote by Absentee may request an application to vote by absentee by calling the Town Clerk’s Office at 534-6346. The application will be mailed to your address. You may also request an application at the Town Clerk’s ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346
Delivery of New Recycling Carts Continues :: Legal Notices
If you did not receive a new cart last week put out your recycling bin on the normal recycling day. Collection using the carts will begin March 13.
Location Silver City, New Mexico
Contact 575-388-4640
NM CAP Entity Meeting :: Legal Notices
The agenda for this regular meeting will be available on or before 9:00 am on March 3,2017 in the Grant County Manager’s Office located at 1400 Highway 180 East in Silver City, New Mexico. If you are an individual with ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 575-542-9341
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