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Candidate Packets Available for Town of Silver City Regular Elections :: Political
Candidate packets for the following elective offices are available at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway or on the Town’s website at www.townofsilvercity.org. Councilor District 1, 2-yr. term Councilor District 3, 2-yr. term. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Candidate Packets Available for Town of Silver City Regular Elections :: Political
Candidate packets for the following elective offices are available at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway or on the Town’s website at www.townofsilvercity.org. Councilor District 1, 2-yr. term Councilor District 3, 2-yr. term. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Candidate Packets Available for Town of Silver City Regular Elections :: Political
Candidate packets for the following elective offices are available at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway or on the Town’s website at www.townofsilvercity.org. Councilor District 1, 2-yr. term Councilor District 3, 2-yr. term. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Dow to hold mobile office hours Jan. 7 :: Political
NM District 38 Rep. Rebecca Dow to hold mobile office hours in Silver City from 1:30-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 7, at Watts Hall, northwest corner of Swan Street and Silver Heights. If front door is locked,come in the back door.
Location WNMU Watts Hall
Candidate Packets Available for Town of Silver City Regular Elections :: Political
Candidate packets for the following elective offices are available at City Hall, 101 W. Broadway or on the Town’s website at www.townofsilvercity.org. Councilor District 1, 2-yr. term Councilor District 3, 2-yr. term. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Deadline for Declaration of Candidacy, Town of Silver City :: Political
Councilor District 1, 2-yr. term Councilor District 3, 2-yr. term. DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY is Tuesday, January 10, 2017 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, in the office of the Municipal Clerk, City Hall, 101 W. Broadway.
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Contact 575-534-6346 or www.townofsilvercity.org
Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
5:30 pm potluck. 6:20 pm business meeting. Bring a dish and bring a friend.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575=654-6060
Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting :: Political
New officers, elected at the November meeting, will be installed. The group will discuss plans for the next year. The special speaker will be Pat Fell, a Realtor with RE/MAX. She will speak about trends in real estate sales in ...
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997
Absentee Voting for Town of Silver City Municipal Election Begins :: Political
Absentee Voting for the March 7, 2017 Regular Municipal Election for the Town of Silver City will begin on January 31, 2017 and will end March 7, 2017. Voters in Council District 1 and 3 that wish to vote by ...
Contact 575-538-6346
Grant County Day at the Roundhouse :: Political
Grant County Prospectors, 2015 Legislative Forum Presenters, Government Officials, Business Leaders and Constituents meet at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to advocate on behalf of Grant County. Tentative meetings are scheduled with Legislative Leadership, the Governor and various Cabinet Secretaries.
Location New Mexico State Capitol
Contact 575-538-2665 or
Last Day to Register to Vote in Silver City Municipal Election :: Political
To be eligible to vote in the Town of Silver City’s March 7, 2017 Municipal Election, you must be registered by Tuesday, February 7, 2017. Voter registration forms are available from the Grant County Clerk’s Office at 1400 Hwy. 180 ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
5:30pm potluck; 6:20pm business meeting. Bring a dish and bring a friend.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-654-6060
Early Voting for Silver City Town Council Election Begins :: Political
Voters wishing to vote prior to Election Day may come to the Town Clerk’s Office at City Hall, Monday through Friday, file an application, and cast their vote on a paper ballot counted by the voting machine. Early voting ends ...
Location City Hall, Town of Silver City
Grant County Republican Women Lunch Meeting :: Political
The guest speaker will be Russ Howell, Chair of the Luna County Republican Party. The meeting is open to the public. The cost of the hot buffet lunch is $10.
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997
Senator Martin Heinrich's Staff to Hold Mobile Office Hours :: Political
Senator Heinrich's staff will be on hand to assist residents who have questions regarding Social Security benefits, Medicare, immigration, veterans benefits, student loans, and other federal programs. All are encouraged to attend. Constituents who are not able to attend Mobile Office ...
Location WNMU Global Resource Center ABC Room
Contact 575-523-6561 or www.Heinrich.Senate.Gov
Republican Party of Grant County Meeting :: Political
There will be a potluck dinner followed by a business meeting.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-7997 or 575-654-4884
Grant County Federated Republican Women Lunch Meeting :: Political
A luncheon followed by a business meeting will be at WNMU cafeteria in the Sunset Room. Items of discussion will include the success of the Rally held Saturday, March 4, and fundraising plans.
Location WNMU Sunset Room, 2nd Floor Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997 or 575-654-4884
Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
5:30pm potluck, 6:20pm business meeting. Bring a dish and bring a friend.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-654-6060
Grant County Democratic Party Convention :: Political
The Grant County Democratic Party will hold its annual Convention to elect officers, ward and precinct chairs, and delegates to the Democratic Party of New Mexico State Central Committee. The convention will begin with a potluck lunch, followed by the ...
Location Brown Derby Club
Contact 575-654-6060 or
Republican Party of Grant County General Meeting :: Political
The General Meeting of the Republican Party of Grant County is the first Tuesday of each month @ 6:00 PM at Headquarters, which is located next to the Chevron/Snappy Mart in Arenas Valley.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
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