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Mimbres Culture Heritage Site Tour :: Tours
Historian and guide Bill Hudson will tell many a wonderful story and share facts about life spanning hundreds of years at the sight. The museum gift shop has a selection of local artists represented and a good book store, also. Bring ...
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 575-536-9326
Fort Bayard Museum Open for Territorial Charter Day :: Tours
A Territorial Charter Day celebration.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Natural History of the Gila Symposium Geology Trip to Boston Hill :: Tours
Western New Mexico University assistant professor of geology and GIS Corrie Neighbors and retired professional geologist David Menzie will lead the geology field trip to Boston Hill Open Space, where participants can review local rocks, minerals and fossils. Participants should ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
Contact gilasymposium.org.
Natural History of the Gila Symposium Botany Walk :: Tours
Dr. Richard Felger will lead Saturday’s trip about the natural history and ethnobotany of plants — from giant sequoia to native ocotillos and agaves — on the Western New Mexico University campus. The walk starts in front of the Besse-Forward ...
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
Contact gilasymposium.org
Natural History of the Gila Symposium Hydrology Walk :: Tours
A hike from La Capilla to the intersection of Bullard and College streets will give “History and Hydrology of the Big Ditch and Urban Storm Water” field trip participants a chance to learn about past and current hydrological research related ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Center
Contact gilasymposium.org
Walking Tour at Mimbres Culture Heritage Site :: Tours
The walk is easy but be prepared for any kind of weather. Learn about the Mimbreno peoples who inhabited the valley from 400 AD to 1250 AD and those who came after. The museum, housed in the 1900 territorial adobe ...
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 575-536-3092
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Walking tours (2 hours) of the historic district will begin at 9:30. Although there is no fee, donations to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed. Arrangements can be made for private or group tours.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Walking Tour at Mimbres Culture Heritage Site :: Tours
Bill Hudson will give a guided walking tour of the Mattocks Archaeological Site at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site. Learn about the Mimbres People who built their homes and made the beautiful black on white pottery unique to the valley. ...
Location Mimbres Culture Heritage Site
Contact 575-536-3092
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Walking tours (2 hours) of the historic district will begin at 9:30. Although there is no fee, donations to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed. Arrangements can be made for private or group tours.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Gila Native Plant Society Field Trip to Axle Canyon in the Big Burros :: Tours
Meet at 8 a.m. in the south parking lot of the WNMU Fine Arts Center Theatre for carpooling. A moderate/easy hike in sandy, open washes. Expect to see old oaks, walnuts and amazing cherry trees, hopefully blooming – and lots ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Theatre
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Grant County Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society Field Trip to the Polly Ann Mining District :: Tours
North of Duncan, Arizona. Collect fluorite from a couple of locations. This area is known for blue fluorite. Meeet at the Visitor’s Center to carpool at 8 AM. Bring lots of water, lunch, chairs and cameras. Bring digging tools. You ...
Location Silver City Visitor Center
Contact 575-388-2010 or rollingstonesgms.blogspot.com
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Walking tours (2 hours) of the historic district will begin at 9:30. Although there is no fee, donations to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed. Arrangements can be made for private or group tours.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Walking tours (2 hours) of the historic district will begin at 9:30. Although there is no fee, donations to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed. Arrangements can be made for private or group tours.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
Fort Bayard Museum Spring Hours :: Tours
Although there is no fee, donaions to support the preservation and maintenance of the site are welcomed.
Location Fort Bayard Museum
Contact 575-388-4477, 575-956-3294, 970-222-2433, or 575--574-8779
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