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Triple C Men's Group Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
The Triple C (Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation) group discusses a number of the Community Issues, in addition to providing Information about the fraternity. Bring your favorite topic or questions to be answered. Masonry has been a integral part of the ...
Location Silver City Masonic Lodge Hall
Contact 575-574-7204 or 575-538-8561
Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
Silver City Photography Club Meeting :: Social Events
Bruce Bloy, photographer about town, will discuss post-camera processing. Highlights of Bruce's talk will include work flow, a "way of thinking" about the final image, and how to use particular tools such as Photoshop Camera Raw, Lightroom, and NIK. Bruce ...
Contact 575-670-4543
POSTPONED "Puffbirds, Jacamars and Marmosets: Four Months as a Nature Guide in Brazil" :: Social Events
Notification of new date available soon.Jarrod Swackhamer, who recently spent three and a half months as a nature guide at Cristalino Lodge in a 44-square mile private rainforest reserve in the southern Amazon state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, will talk about ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
Community Dance to Benefit KURU :: Social Events
Benefit for radio station: KURU 89.1. Community Dance with the Big Ditch Crickets, Suggested donation: $5-10 per person, children under 12 free. Family friendly.
Location Old Elk's Club
Contact 575-388-1727
Widowed and Single Persons of Grant County Meeting :: Social Events
Mayor Ken Ladner will be our speaker. Cost for lunch is $12. All singles are welcome.
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Contact 575-537-3643
Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
Silver City Woman's Club Meeting :: Social Events
You are welcome to attend our monthly member’s meeting.
Location Silver City Woman's Club
Contact 575-313-4591
Grant County Chess Championship :: Social Events
No entry fee, only 4 hours long, in the Silver High Library. No need to bring anything, just show up and play against various levels, mostly beginners. Visitors welcome to play. Make a new chess friend!
Location Silver High School
Contact 575-956-3138
Tours of "Flamenco: From Spain to New Mexico" :: Social Events
Exhibition curator Nicolas Chavez from the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe will lead tours at 10:00 amand 2:00 pm. The 2:00 pm tour will bilingual for English and Spanish speakers. Tours will be $10 per person to join or ...
Location Silver City Museum
Contact www.silvercitymuseum.org or 575-538-5921 or
Mimbres Region Arts Council Black Tie Benefit Ball "Arctic Vogue" :: Social Events
Dessert, champagne, dancing, cash bar. Event tickets $50
Location Grant County Conference Center
Contact 575 538 2505,
Monday With the Mayor :: Social Events
Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner would like to invite your input, ideas and inspirations toward making our town even better. All are invited to stop by and share your insights and ideas with Mayor Ladner.
Location Javalina Coffee Shop
Earseye B. Ross to be Honored at WMNU's MLK Day Celebration :: Social Events
Hakim Bellamy, who was Albuquerque’s inaugural poet laureate, will perform live for attendees. Free and open to the public.
Location Light Hall Theatre
Contact wnmu.edu
Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
Green Drinks with the SW NM Green Chamber of Commerce :: Social Events
Charmeine Wait, Executive Director of the Silver City Main Street Program will update us on all of their projects (and opportunities to volunteer). Come hungry and order no-host drinks and other foods of your choice to add to your free snacks. ...
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 575-538-1337 or
Grant County Search and Rescue :: Social Events
New meeting place: second floor of the City Hall Annex Building. We are a professional, all-volunteer team welcoming new members with outdoors skills to assist lost or injured individuals in SW New Mexico.
Location City Hall Annex
Contact http://gcsar-nm.org/
Gila Native Plant Society Monthly Meeting :: Social Events
Free and open to the public. Sara Fuentes-Soriano, Curator of the NMSU herbaria, will talk on “The Intriguing and Wonderful Natural History of Uncommon Southwestern Mustards”. Tribe Physarieae is a unique group of mustards with specialized pollen morphology and a ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society Annual Membership Dinner :: Social Events
Cost is $20, The after dinner program, by Doug Hocking will be “Cochise and Tom Jeffords”. Jeffords served as Indian Agent to Cochise’s band of Apaches in the early 1870’s, and their relationship has been the subject of movies, books, ...
Location Silver City Woman's Club
Contact Reservations: Dr. John Bell at 575-388-4477.
Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Beginners welcome, experts challenged.
Location Tranquil Buzz Coffee House
Contact 575-534-9355
Southwest New Mexico Audubon Society Meeting :: Social Events
"Puffbirds, Jacamars, and Marmosets: Four Months as a Nature Guide in Brazil" Jarrod Swackhamer recently spent three and a half months as a nature guide at Cristalino Lodge in a 44-square mile private rainforest reserve in the southern Amazon state ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
Contact 575-654-4892
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