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Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
5:30pm potluck, 6:20pm business meeting. Bring a dish, bring a friend.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-654-6060
Grant County Republican Party Ward Caucuses and Biennial County Convention :: Political
The purpose is to elect new County Central Committee Members; elect new delegates to the Republican State Central Committee; and elect new County Officers.
Location Grant County Veterans Memorial Conference Center
Grant County Federated Republican Women Lunch Meeting :: Political
A hot buffet lunch will be served for $10. Scott Terry, President/CEO of the Grant County Chamber of Commerce, will speak on the State of Grant County - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Republicans are invited and encouraged ...
Location WNMU Cafeteria
Grant County Day at the Roundhouse :: Political
Entities that presented at the December Grant County Prospectors Legislative Communications Forum and Prospectors meet with Legislators, Cabinet Secretaries and others throughout the day to discuss issues on the Top Topics brochure. 2019 Prospectors Legislative Reception at the La Fonda ...
Location New Mexico State Capitol (Copy)
Contact www.grantcountyprospectors.com.
Republican Party of Grant County Meeting :: Political
6:00 potluck 6:30 General Membership meeting. Meet the new officers and members of the Central Committee. Also, reports from State Rep. Rebecca Dow and County Commissioner Billy Billings will be given.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
5:30pm potluck. 6:10pm, guest speaker Curtis Clough, Silver Schools. 6:20pm business meeting.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-654-6060
Grant County Federated Republican Women Lunch Meeting :: Political
Billy Billings, Grant County Commissioner, will speak on the state of Grant County - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. A hot buffet lunch will be available for only $10 if you wish to eat. All Republicans are invited ...
Location WNMU Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997
Republican Party of Grant County Meeting and Gunshow :: Political
6:00 Meeting; 6:30 General Membership Meeting.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Grant County Democratic Party Potluck and Meeting :: Political
Potluck at 5:30. At 6:10, special guest Susan Beck, retired Colonel U.S. Air Force, will provide information on the current status of the Holloman AFB proposal for F-16 flyovers of our area. The business meeting will follow the status report.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-654-6060 or
Grant County Commission work session :: Political
The Grant County Commission will hold a work session to hear reports and presentations, as well as to discuss the agenda for the regular meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2019
Contact 575-574-0001
Grant County Federated Republican Women Lunch Meeting :: Political
A report will be given on Saturday's Border Security meeting in Deming, with questions and answers to follow. A hot buffet lunch will be available for only $10 if you wish to eat. All Republicans are invited and are welcome ...
Location WNMU Cafeteria
Contact 575-313-7997
Grant County Commission regular meeting :: Political
The Grant County Commission will hold a regular meeting to discuss and approve items on the regular agenda. Among the items is a public hearing on proposed bond issuances for a total of $8 million. Also a public hearing on ...
Location Grant County Administration Center
Contact 575-574-0001
Third Thursday Public Forum: "The 2019 Legislative Session" :: Political
This month’s forum will be focused on the just completed Santa Fe legislative session, and we’ll get a download from our Grant County representatives: Lt. Governor Howie Morales, state senator Gabe Ramos, and state representative Rudy Martinez. Refreshments will be ...
Location WNMU Miller Library
Contact 575-654-6060 or email
Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters :: Political
Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-2781
Grant County Democratic Party County Convention :: Political
Starts at noon with a potluck lunch; convention starts at 1:00pm. Only registered Democrats may participate and vote. We will be electing a new chair, vice-chair, ward and precinct chairs, as well as delegates to the Democratic State Central Committee.
Location Brown Derby Club
Contact 575-654-6060 or email
Grant County Republicans Meeting :: Political
Potluck-6:00pm; General Membership Meeting 6:30pm. Guest Speaker will be:Representative Rebecca Dow.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters :: Political
Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-2781
Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters :: Political
Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-2781
Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters :: Political
Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-2781
Visit Republican Party of Grant County Headquarters :: Political
Helen and Leif Nordell invite you to stop by and have a cup of coffee. They will be selling Trump hats, 2nd Amendments hats and 2nd Amendment pins. Voter registration is also available.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Contact 575-313-2781
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