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“I Couldn’t Care Less” :: Spiritual
Rev. Dan Lillie of Albuquerque will talk about apathy, that literally means “a lack of care or concern,” his feelings about it, and why apathy can be important to us. This is a Family Program Sunday and today’s Children's Program ...
Dances of Universal Peace :: Spiritual
Simple circle dances using sacred phrases from around the world, meditative and joyful. Learn as you go, no experience necessary; by donation.
Location Church of Harmony
"A Little Co-op with a Big Impact" :: Spiritual
The Silver City Food Co-op has been in Grant County for more than 40 years and has been living up to its vision of promoting the inherently healthy relationship between food, community and nature. Childcare and creative activities will be ...
“Getting to know UU” :: Spiritual
Getting to know UU” will be a series of three one-hour sessions led by Barbara Gabioud at 11:30 on Sundays January 19, January 26 and February 3. We will explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist, the history ...
Contact Please contact Barbara
Soup Supper and Topical Biblical Discussion :: Spiritual
The Anglican Church at old St Mary’s Academy is offering a soup supper along with a discussion on the topic ‘What is Hell?’ Additional soup suppers will be held the 4th Wednesday of each month.
Location Anglican Church and Retreat House of the Holy Trinity
Contact 575-740-0369
"Memory and Desire" :: Spiritual
Brazilian WMNU artist-in-residence João Galera will talk about a community art installation, and the philosophy behind it during this Sunday’s service. This is a Family Program Sunday and our topic today will be "Looking In/Looking Out." It will involve the ...
“Buy Nothing New” :: Spiritual
In light of the high cost and inefficient recycling programs nationwide, many of which are closing, Americans should focus on reducing our use of excess packaging, throw-away items and planned obsolescence. Heidi Ogas will lead a discussion of this world-wide ...
“What Freethinkers Can Learn from Billy the Kid” :: Spiritual
A freethinker is a person who reaches conclusions based on verifiable information, someone who understands that when information changes, the conclusions must also change. With a little help from Billy the Kid, Jim Smith will examine the role that uncertainty ...
"The Tortilla Star” :: Spiritual
Local book author, Abbey Carpenter, will discuss her book “The Tortilla Star", the story of an English as a Second Language teacher who opens her heart to a richer definition of family when she is welcomed into the world of ...
Dances of Universal Peace :: Spiritual
Simple circle dances using sacred phrases from around the world, meditative and joyful. Learn as you go, no experience necessary; by donation.
Location Church of Harmony
"Is it Written in the Stars?" :: Spiritual
In astrological circles, 2020 is said to be of huge import for change, globally, nationally, and personally. The Rev. Azima Lila Forest will offer some thoughts about astrology, what it is and what it isn't and what it might portend ...
· Understanding the Millennium Shift with The Michael Teaching :: Spiritual
Six Week Class, Tuesdays Beginning Feb. 25. Gain insight into current world affairs. Learn to trust as the old world falls away. Are you a server or a sage, warrior, king or scholar? What soul level are you? Come find ...
Location The Center for Healing Arts
Contact Priya at 505-473-9950
“The New Mexico Health Security Plan, a Homegrown, Quality, Affordable Health Care Plan for All New Mexicans” :: Spiritual
This panel presentation will address the legislative, legal, and economic aspects of the New Mexico Health Security Plan, and their potential impact on citizens of New Mexico. The panelists are Dr. Neil Apple, Gayle Simmons, Carolyn Smith and Bill Lindenau. ...
“Ten Brave Unitarian Universalist Women Who Championed Women’s Suffrage – Profiles for Our Times” :: Spiritual
March is Women's History Month. Nancy Cliff will present brief biographies of UU women in the struggle for passage of this measure. Nancy is a long-time member of UUFSC and an amateur historian. This is a Family Program Sunday and March’s ...
"Our Intriguing UU Story with Photographs and Potluck Dinner" :: Spiritual
Rev. Claudia Elferdink will present a newly-uncovered story reveals how, in 1875, a Unitarian from Providence Rhode Island played a key role in reconnecting international Unitarians.
Subtle Body Energetics Overview: Chakras, Doshas, Koshas, Vayus Workshop :: Spiritual
The workshop, led by Cate Bradley, a certified yoga teacher, is suitable for all levels, ages and abilities. There will be handouts, gentle physical exercises, and discussion on the four subtle body energies described above. A suggested donation of $25 is requested, but no ...
Location Lotus Center
Contact RSVP to Cate at 520-235-4313
UUFSC to Cancel Services for the Month of March :: Spiritual
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City has made the decision that it is best to cancel our service for this Sunday, March 15 due to the CO-VID 19 health alerts, Services for the following Sundays March 22 and March ...
Parish Office of St. Vincent de Paul Church to Remain Open :: Spiritual
The Parish Office at St. Vincent de Paul Church will continue office hours Monday - Thursday, 8 am to 4 pm. The Church is open for private prayer during these same hours.
Location St. Vincent de Paul
CANCELLED Spring Equinox Celebration :: Spiritual
Celebrating the first day of spring with the intentions of harmony, acceptance, unity, joy, compassion, love, and appreciation for all living beings of the planet. Bring a drum, rattle, or any other sacred instrument. Open to the public; donations welcome.
Location Lotus Center
UUFSC to Cancel Services for the Month of March :: Spiritual
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City has made the decision that it is best to cancel our service for this Sunday, March 15 due to the CO-VID 19 health alerts, Services for the following Sundays March 22 and March ...
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