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Republican Party of Grant County Potluck and Meeting :: Political
6:00 Potluck - followed by the meeting. Guest Speaker-Mick Rich-Candidate for US Senate.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting Postponed :: Political
GrantDue to the Federal holiday on Monday, January 20, Grant County Federated Republican Women will not meet. Instead they will meet the following week on Monday, January 27, at 11:30 a.m. at Silver Bowling Center on Memory Lane.
Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting :: Political
There will be a report on recent election training. Legislation and FRW activities at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe will also be discussed. Republican women, men, and their guests are welcome to attend.
Location Silver Bowling Center
Official Call for the Pre-Primary County Convention of the Republican Party of Grant County :: Political
Official Call is hereby made for the Pre-Primary County Convention of the Republican Party of Grant County to elect 12 Delegates to the Republican State Pre-Primary Convention, to be held March 7, 2020, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Republican Party of Grant County Meeting and Potluck :: Political
6:00 Potluck, followed by Guest Speaker Elisa Martinez, candidate for US Senate. 7:00 Broadcast of the State of the Union Address.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
Grant County Democratic Party Meeting and Potluck :: Political
5:30 pm Potluck & 6:20 pm General Meeting. We will be discussing preparation for the County Central Committee/Pre-Primary Convention.
Location Democratic Party Meeting Hall
Contact 575-956-8942
The Grant County Democratic Party County Central Committee Call to Convention :: Political
The meeting’s purpose is to elect the party chair and any other related business to the CCC. According to Article III, Section 2, Rule 2.5 proxies are allowed as long as they are signed by the issuing person and only ...
Location Brown Derby Club
Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting :: Political
Kim Clark will give us an update on the status of House and Senate bills for the 2020 NM Legislative Session Santa Fe. Lunch or snacks may be purchased at the Snack Bar. Republicans and their guests are welcome to ...
Location Silver Bowling Center
Republican Party of Grant County Meeting and Potluck :: Political
6:00 Potluck; 6:30 General Monthly Meeting. Guest Speaker: Mark Ronchetti, candidate for US Senate.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
CANCELLED Grant County Federated Republican Women Meeting :: Political
GCFRW meeting canceled but Claire Chase, Republican candidate for NM Congressional District 2 will participate in a meet and greet. Republicans and their guests (men and women) are welcome to attend. Sponsored by Billy Billings and Frost McGahey.
Location Silver Bowling Center
Cancelled: Republican Party of Grant County’s monthly meeting on April 7 :: Political
The April 7 meeting has been cancelled.
Location Republican Party Headquarters
GCDP July 4th Car Parade :: Political
The parade will begin at 10:00 am. We will be lining up beginning at 9:00 at the Old Ft. Bayard road. It will be first come first serve. We will be opening this to anyone who wants to participate, just ...
Contact 575-956-8942
Protest against Silver City mask ordinance :: Political
A protest against the Silver City mask ordinance is planned for Aug. 25 at 5 p.m. at the corner of Silver Heights Blvd and Swan Street near The WNMU Watts Hall
Location WNMU Watts Hall
Rep. Gail Armstrong to meet with Glenwood residents :: Political
Gail Armstrong will be visiting with The People in Glenwood at the Community Center on September 27, starting at Noon. Here's the link: https://catroncountynews.org/?p=2831
Location Glenwood Community Center
Grant County Prospectors Legislative Forum 2020 :: Political
The annual Grant County Prospectors Legislative Forum will be held virtually this year. For a link for public viewing, visit https://grantcountyprospectors.org
Contact 575-590-1790
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