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Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
Print Fiesta :: Arts & Music
A world-class event where print artists from around the globe come to share their print making skills.
10:00am - 02:00pm Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective :: Arts & Music
Silver City Art Association's Weekend at the Galleries with the Fall Fiber Arts Sale. This free annual sales event is a pop-up gallery and will be held Saturday October 12 from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday October 13 ...
Location Murray Hotel
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
Print Fiesta :: Arts & Music
A world-class event where print artists from around the globe come to share their print making skills.
07:00pm - 08:30pm Community Kirtan. :: Arts & Music
Join Manda Jost for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient melodies of Classical India. It's easy and it brings peace! No experience necessary; everyone is welcome! Donations appreciated. Join the second Monday of every month from 7:00 ...
Location Lotus Center
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
06:30pm Westerners International Buffalo Soldiers in Bonita Canyon :: Arts & Music
Westerners International Silver City Corral #36 Invites You to Our Upcoming Meeting. Buffalo Soldiers in Bonita Canyon (1885- 1886): Why Did They Build a Monument in Honor of President James A. Garfield?" Sharon Kennedy Independent Researcher, Author, Freelance Writer, member ...
Location Cross Point Assembly of God Church
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
06:00pm WNMU Cultural Affairs Lois Duffy Retrospective :: Arts & Music
Edwina & Charles Milner Women in the Arts Lecture and Exhibition - Lois Duffy Retrospective. Lois Duffy's Studio & Gallery was located in Silver City for over two decades. Since closing her gallery in August 2023, she has been working ...
06:30pm Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society evening movies :: Arts & Music
This fall we will be showing the award winning television Mini Series Centennial, beginning on Thursday, September 5th, and running every Thursday through November 21st. Doors open at 6:00 pm Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/the-fort-bayard-historic-preservation-society-is-set-to-resume-our-thursday-evening-movies
Location Santa Clara Armory
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
Silver City Community Film Festival :: Arts & Music
Experience the power of storytelling through film. With submissions from people of all ages Pdf for event https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/silver-city-community-film-festival-october-18-20-2024
Location Silco Theater
05:30pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo Poetic Outlaws Open Mic :: Arts & Music
Silver City Poetic Outlaws is a recurring open mic event focused on the spoken word. Poetry, readings from stories and books, monologue, improv...all forms of spoken word are welcome. Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/whiskey-creek-zocalo-october-2024-events
Location Whiskey Creek Zocalo
Gila/Mimbres Community Radio Fall Fundraiser :: Arts & Music
Experience special features in addition to our regular broadcasts of entertainment and information, with more than three dozen DJs/Hosts plus nationally syndicated programming. The station asks listeners to help grow our community of support by inviting a friend to listen, ...
Rocktoberfest Gem & Mineral Show :: Arts & Music
Rock and mineral show at the Santa Clara Armory, where gem enthusiasts can explore and purchase unique finds.
Location Santa Clara Armory
Silver City Community Film Festival :: Arts & Music
Experience the power of storytelling through film. With submissions from people of all ages Pdf for event https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/silver-city-community-film-festival-october-18-20-2024
Location Silco Theater
12:00pm - 04:00pm Guadalupe Montessori Fall Festival :: Arts & Music
A family-friendly, old-fashioned fall festival filled with food, games, and activities for everyone, especially kids!
12:00pm - 04:00pm Guadalupe Montessori School Fall Festival FUNdraiser :: Arts & Music
Benefitting the small, not-for-profit school serving children from 18 months through 12 years, the festival features carnival games, hayrides, face painting, and cute animals to pet and pose with. The renowned Guadalupe Montessori School kitchen will dish up seasonal food ...
Location Guadalupe Montessori School
12:30pm - 03:00pm Free Dance Master Class hosted by NMSA :: Arts & Music
There are two Master Classes available, one is for younger dancers (suggested grades 5-8) and one is for older dancers (suggested grades 8+). Limited spaces available Younger Dancers 12:30pm - 1:15pm - Older Dancers 1:30pm - 3:00pm Full press release https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/free-dance-master-class-hosted-by-new-mexico-school-for-the-arts-nmsa
Location Conservatory of Dance Studio
06:00pm Successful Outlaw to screen at Silco :: Arts & Music
Successful Outlaw follows the life of builder and biker, Daniel "Pepe" Rochon, as he builds a 4000 sq. foot, off grid, passive solar adobe hacienda on Taos Mesa. During the 1970s, Pepe lived and worked at the Mabel Dodge Lujan ...
Location Silco Theater
06:30pm - 09:00pm Big Ditch Crickets Gila/Mimbres Community Radio :: Arts & Music
Big Ditch Crickets – community band Murray Hotel Ballroom, 200 West Broadway Street, Silver City, NMSuggested donation: $10/person, $15/two; children under 12 free. Family friendly!This dance is a benefit for Gila/Mimbres Community Radio / KURU 89.1 FM, held in honor ...
Location Murray Hotel
Contact Jamie Newton –
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