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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Silver City -- More than 13 million Americans have reported near death experiences, a phenomenon defined as a "lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened, imminent death,"Â according to the Near Death Research Foundation, which has documented more than 5,300 near death experiences from all over the world.
Near death experiences, or NDEs, will be the topic of discussion at the next meeting of the monthly "Life Cafe" on Thursday, March 28, at 4:00 pm at the Silver City Public Library. A brief video about the topic will be shown, and participants will have an opportunity to share their own near-death experience.
Republican Party of Grant County "Official Call"
Call is hereby made for the 2024 County Quadrennial Convention of the Republican Party of Grant County to be held Saturday April 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM at The Republican Party Headquarters, 3 Rio De Arenas, Arenas Valley, NM 88026Â
Must be a registered Republican voter in Grant County to attend. The purpose of this convention is to: Elect delegates to represent Grant County at the 2024 Republican Party State Quadrennial Convention, on April 27, 2024  to be held at The Marriott - 2101 Louisiana St, Albuquerque, NM 87102Â
Future Forge Open House Saturday March 30, 2024 Noon to 3:00 pm
See flyer below
The Silver City Public Library is pleased to announce that on Friday, April 5th at 3:00 PM author A. Thomas Cole will read from his book Restoring the Pitchfork Ranch. In the book, Cole weaves the history of the ranch with current restoration projects while offering an inspiring rallying cry for everyone who wants to take action for the environment.
Tucked away in the rolling hills south of Silver City is the historic Pitchfork Ranch. Archaeological sites on the ranch suggest people have been living in the area for the last 11,000 years thanks to the fresh water of the ciénagas-- desert wetlands. In more recent times the area has been used for a way station for the Butterfield Trail and, most notably, for cattle ranching. The region has a fragile desert grassland ecosystem and is a critical wildlife corridor. Use by humans and a changing climate have taken their toll on the land, but a herculean labor of love is trying to fix that.
12 noon,  Sunday 12th May 2024  Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths
We stand with all women in support of a better world for all children and the seven generations beyond them.   Each May hundreds of thousands of women and girls, along with the men and boys they love, on all continents of the world stand together in parks, on beaches, in churches, at graduation ceremonies, in their backyards and at school yards or anyplace they can find to stand in a global wave of humanity.
Bring your family and friends  to Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths, 355 Bursum Road, Glenwood, 88039 and participate in STANDING WOMEN.  At 1 pm local time on Mother's Day we will gather around a labyrinth and ring our bells to signify the beginning of 5 minutes of silence and ring again at 1.05pm.    Bring a bell or use one of ours.
Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths is second house on the left after mile marker 3 on Route 159/Bursum Road, off Hwy 180, between Glenwood and Alma.  Â
Create a silver and stone bezel set pendant March 30 and March 31
See flyer below
Friday, Mar. 15
Suspicious vehicle
E. 11th and N. Bennett streets
Open UPS truck.
Virginia Street
Neighbor walks from his camper and is throwing rocks/caller states they have a CTW on this male. Officer made contact with caller/caller showed them a video of a rock hitting the residence/no damage was observed.
N. Swan Street
Caller from GRMC advised the victim is in the ER/52-year-old male/occurred in his backyard about 30 minutes prior/right above the collarbone and back/advised he is possibly intoxicated. Officers advised they will secure the scene and will be at ER/year of birth 1970.
Silver Schools will be closed for Spring Break from Monday, March 25 through Monday, April 1, 2024. No School for Good Friday on March 29, 2024. Cliff Schools will be closed for Spring Break from Monday, March 25 through Thursday, March 28, 2024. Regular class schedules for Silver Schools will resume on Tuesday, April 02, 2024. Cliff Schools schedules will resume on Monday, April 1, 2024.
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