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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
Eastern New Mexico University Announces $2-Million-Dollar Donation from the Allsup Family Charitable Foundation.
February 21, 2024 – Portales, NM – Eastern New Mexico University announced today that it has received a $2-million-dollar donation from the Allsup Family Charitable Foundation.
This $2-million-dollar donation is the largest single donation ever made to the ENMU Foundation.
The donation is designated as the following: $418,200 to fund early childhood development initiatives; $1,581,800 will be used to establish a new Allsup Family Endowment to benefit the education, health care, agriculture, and business programs at ENMU.
New Mexico State University's Art Museum holds the largest public collection of Mexican retablos in the United States. Soon it will be available at your fingertips thanks to the beginnings of a large-scale digitization project funded by NMSU's Office of Research, Creativity and Economic Development.
Visitors can see some of NMSU's more than 2,000 works on tin, wood, copper and canvas in addition to other objects of sacred art in the Margie and Bobby Rankin Retablo Gallery at the University Art Museum located on campus inside Devasthali Hall.
Request for Proposals:
SSBCI 2.0 Technical Assistance
The State of New Mexico was awarded a grant by US Treasury that seeks to provide technical assistance to Very Small Businesses, and Socially Economically Disadvantaged businesses. NMEDD is looking for qualified business technical assistance providers in the areas of Financial Advisory, Legal, and Accounting, and Venture Capital interested businesses and Emerging Fund Managers, to provide technical assistance to qualifying businesses. An informational webinar will be held on February 27.
New Mexico Department of Agriculture reminds the public to read the label
Haga clic aquà para español.
"Pesticides aren't limited to insecticides and herbicides. They also include disinfectants, insect repellent, swimming pool treatments and many other products," said New Mexico Agriculture Secretary Jeff Witte. "NMDA wants to ensure that New Mexicans are educated when it comes to pesticide use and are staying safe. The first step to safety is reading the label."
As tax season ramps up, New Mexico State University is offering a program that will help underserved individuals in the community get free tax filing assistance from NMSU accounting students.
The free tax filing services are open from 9 a.m. to noon Fridays during tax season in the Business Complex building, room 108. Services will be closed on Mar. 1, 15, and 29. Â
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) is an IRS-backed program that recruits volunteers, trains them in tax law and tax software, and prepares them to assist taxpayers with filing their tax returns. It's primarily led by the Coalition for Family Economic Progress in our region, which is headed by GECU Community Development. Â
Five finalists for president of the New Mexico State University system will visit the Las Cruces campus later this month, the Board of Regents announced Friday in a message to faculty, staff and students. The visits will feature public forums designed to allow members of the campus community and the public to hear from candidates directly about what they would bring to NMSU.
The public forums, held by the board in partnership with NMSU's Faculty Senate and Associated Students of NMSU, will begin Monday, Feb. 26, at NMSU's Las Cruces campus. While morning sessions will focus more on faculty, staff and community issues and afternoon sessions will focus more on student issues, anyone is welcome at either forum and questions are not limited to those topics. Participants can also livestream and participate in the forums remotely via Zoom.
LAS CRUCES--- Kayla Blanchard of Alamogordo has been selected for the 2024 Making Democracy Work Award (MDWA) given annually by the League of Women Voters of Southern New Mexico. Blanchard was presented a Certificate of Recognition and a cash award for $250 at the February 10 meeting of the LWVSNM in Las Cruces, said League Co-President Jo Galván Nash.
Blanchard is the health equity specialist and coordinator for the Otero County Community Health Council (OCCHC) in Alamogordo. As a healthcare and public health official, she participated in a fellowship program that provided seven months of training in the nonpartisan initiative Vot-ER.
Vot-ER is a national initiative which integrates voter access into healthcare institutions.
"Kayla's work exemplifies what this award is all about — recognizing individuals who are strengthening democracy in southern New Mexico," Nash said. "Her work with the Vot-ER project is engaging others to be active in activities that advance voter registration and participation."
In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.
White Sands Missile Range Notification
For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.
Date St. Business Loop Roundabout Project, T or C CN1101231/32
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