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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
PNM continues to utilize technology to test new ways to bring reliable, sustainable and affordable energy to New Mexicans
PNM, Block Energy, and Tierra Que Canta announce residential microgrid pilot
(Albuquerque, NM) – A residential microgrid pilot is being deployed in the Las Campanas housing development in Santa Fe. The 22-home subdivision, Tierra Que Canta, will include the installation of a Block Energy microgrid with distributed solar and storage directly connected to the distribution system to power the homes and provide energy to the rest of the grid.Â
Portales, NM – February 27, 2024 – The Eastern New Mexico University Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology hosts its 25th annual Cynthia Irwin-Williams Lectureship at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 29, in room 110 of the Art and Anthropology Building.
The featured guest speaker will be Dr. Kristina Baines, Associate Professor of Anthropology at CUNY Guttman Community College and Director of Anthropology for Cool Anthropology. Baines will present on "Heritage in the Body: Sensory Ecologies of Health Practice in Times of Change."Â Baines will share how members of two Belizean indigenous communities, the Maya and the Garifuna, maintain and adapt heritage practices through changes in Belize and after migration to urban cities in the US.
Speaker MartÃnez to Convene Law Enforcement, Elected Leaders, Community Advocates
on Public Safety and Behavioral Health SolutionsÂ
Albuquerque, N.M. - Today, New Mexico House Speaker Javier MartÃnez announced that he will convene law enforcement officials, state and city leaders, and community advocates to develop carefully vetted policy solutions to improve public safety and address mental and behavioral health needs in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico.Â
This working group will build on the progress made by leaders from law enforcement, city and county agencies, faith communities, and advocacy organizations who held a series of meetings last summer to address youth involvement in gun violence.Â
DEMING – The Best Project Program Award recognizes projects that are developed and constructed by NMDOT District personnel. The planning and coordination during a project are examples of the skills and knowledge that the men and women of the department provide every day to all constituents. The magnitude, complexity, coordination, and teamwork are significant to this recognition.
 WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to advance a legislative solution to support access to Medicare services by avoiding a devastating cut to provider reimbursement ratesÂ
Medicare physician payments were cut by 3.4% on January 1, 2024. The rising cost of practicing medicine has led some health care professionals to limit the number of Medicare patients they serve and exacerbated the already severe health care provider shortageÂ
"It is anticipated that these cuts will be felt hardest by smaller, independent practices, like those in rural and underserved areas that continue to face significant health care access challenges.," Heinrich and colleagues wrote. "The most important step that Congress can take to create stability in the Medicare program is to address the cut to Medicare payments. We as policymakers must ensure that healthcare providers who treat Medicare patients continue to have the necessary financial support to care for our nation's seniors."Â
Winston Patrol from District One Awarded the Ben Lopez Memorial Best Statewide Patrol for 2023
DEMING – Winston Patrol from District One was recently awarded the statewide recognition for the Ben Lopez Memorial Best Patrol of 2023. The Winston Patrol competed against the five other districts for this recognition.Â
Winston Patrol crew members: Supervisor Clint Garza, Kegan Garrett, Caleb Young, Tino Luna and Area Maintenace Supervisor Curtis Jandt.
Judges travel around the state to all the patrols nominated for this award, scoring patrols on overall cleanliness, organization, equipment, and roadways.
Condensing hours of research into short, easily understandable presentations, students in New Mexico State University's Graduate School have an opportunity to improve their scientific communication skills in a competition on March 1. Â
The Three-Minute Thesis competition will take place from 9 a.m. to noon Friday, Mar. 1, in Domenici Hall, room 109. The competition challenges graduate students to present their research or creative scholarship work in three minutes or less in a manner that a general audience can understand, helping them hone their oral communication skills. Â
The Department of Borderlands and Ethnic Studies at New Mexico State University will showcase its new research center as part of Research and Creativity Week at NMSU.
Faculty members from the department known as BEST will come together Wednesday, Feb. 28, to unveil their new center and discuss several current projects that highlight their mission to decolonize research. The event begins at 10 a.m. in the BEST offices on the second floor of Garcia Center.Â
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