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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
US 380 Roadblock
SAN ANTONIO - The New Mexico Department of Transportation District One office (NMDOT) along with White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) have posted an alert for Friday, March 8, 2024.Â
US 380 will be blocked one time at 1 p.m. for approximately 2 hours and should be lifted at 3 p.m. This block will be located at Gold Block (Mile Marker 3) and at Silver Block (Mile Marker 49).
All roadblocks are subject to change without notice, please call WSMR at 575-678-2221/2222 for updates or go to New Mexico Department of Transportation:  www.nmroads.com or call 511.
ELEPHANT BUTTE–The Public Education Department today announced the adoption of a rule mandating a minimum of 180 instructional days beginning with the 2024-2025 school year.
Senator Crystal Brantley (R-Elephant Butte) released the following statement regarding the rule:
"This rule adoption comes as a surprise in light of the overwhelming pushback from school administrators, teachers, and legislators on both sides of the aisle. Not only does it circumvent the Legislature's intent regarding instruction time, but it places undue burden on our school districts, especially in rural New Mexico."
Rio Rancho, NM—State Representative Jason Harper (R-Rio Rancho) announces that he will not seek re-election this November. "With tremendous gratitude to my community, colleagues, and especially my family, my time in the New Mexico House will close this year," he said.
A six-term member of the House of Representatives, Harper is most well known as an expert on tax policy and tax law, advocating for discipline in spending. He was able to make dozens of changes to improve New Mexico's tax code, such as protecting families from massive property tax increases, and businesses from "gotcha" audits.
IPANM (Mar. 6, 2024) | PDF - The following statement has been released by Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico regarding Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's line-item veto of the bipartisan Stripper Well Tax Exemption from HB252 Tax Package.
"Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham continues her assault on small-business independent producers with her veto of the Stripper Well Tax Provision, which had bipartisan backing. This carefully crafted tax treatment would have provided measurable benefits to the environment by substantially reducing emissions from small producers' low-production wells. The provision had the added benefit of increasing state revenues and protecting jobs provided by locally owned companies."
US 70 Roadblock
LAS CRUCES - The New Mexico Department of Transportation District One office (NMDOT) along with White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) have posted an alert for Thursday, March 7, 2024.
US 70 will be blocked beginning at 8 a.m., lasting approximately 1 hour and should be lifted by 9 a.m. This block will be located at 'Red Block' (top of San Augustin Pass/Mile Marker 164) and at 'Yellow Block' (near the WSNP/Mile Marker 200). The Las Cruces Gate, Owen Road, and Nike Avenue will also be affected.
All roadblocks are subject to change without notice, please call WSMR at 575-678-2221/2222 for updates or go to New Mexico Department of Transportation: www.nmroads.com or call 511.
New Mexico Film Office Announces Feature Film "Honey Don't!" Filming in New Mexico
Santa Fe, NM -New Mexico Film Office Director Amber Dodson announced today that the feature film "Honey Don't!" will begin filming in and around Albuquerque through May.
The production will employ over 600 New Mexicans – 150 crew members, 15 principal actors, and 450 background talent. "Honey Don't!" will star Margaret Qualley ("Maid"), Aubrey Plaza ("The White Lotus"), and Chris Evans ("Avengers," "Ghosted") as they tell the story of a detective investigating the death of a young woman and its connection to a mysterious church. The film is directed by Ethan Coen ("No Country for Old Men") and produced by Coen, Robert Graf, Tricia Cooke, Eric Fellner, and Tim Bevan.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has appointed two faculty members from New Mexico State University and one from Doña Ana Community College to serve on committees that aim to improve the environment and environmental health across the U.S.-Mexico border region.Â
The faculty members include Christopher Brown, professor of geography and environmental studies at NMSU; Becky Corran, professor of public health at DACC; and Jagdish Khubchandani, professor of public health sciences at NMSU.
Brown and Khubchandani will serve on the Good Neighbor Environmental Board. The board is an independent federal advisory committee that advises the president and Congress on good-neighbor practices along the U.S.-Mexico border. It focuses on environmental infrastructure needs within the states that neighbor Mexico.
Local governments and senior center operators encouraged to apply
SANTA FE – The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) is pleased to announce that the application process for Capital Outlay funding is now open for fiscal year 2025. The Capital Outlay program aims to support senior centers across the state by providing financial support for infrastructure and development projects to enhance the quality of life for older New Mexicans.Â
"ALTSD's Capital Outlay funds provide a valuable opportunity for local governments to secure support for projects that will benefit communities across our state," said ALTSD Deputy Secretary Sarah Jacobs. "Additionally, capital outlay funding can provide much needed assistance for senior centers to modernize their activities, services and centers to better serve New Mexicans."Â
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