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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
Joint announcement from:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Arizona Game and Fish Department
New Mexico Department of Game and FishÂ
March 5, 2024
A sedated Mexican wolf is carried from a helicopter to a team of staff who will conduct a health check and replace or attach a collar to the wolf before releasing it back into the wild.
The wild population of Mexican wolves saw another year of growth in 2023, according to the results of the annual survey.Â
The 2023 population census revealed a minimum of 257 Mexican wolves distributed across Arizona and New Mexico. This increase marks the eighth consecutive year of population growth, the longest continuous streak since recovery efforts began.
Heinrich Cosponsors Transformative Legislation to Expand Access to Affordable Housing, Tackle Homelessness in New MexicoÂ
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) cosponsored the Housing for All Act, comprehensive legislation to expand access to affordable housing in New Mexico and supporting those experiencing homelessness. Â
The bill would invest in proven solutions and provide a historic level of federal funding for strategic, existing programs to keep people housed and reduce homelessness, as well as for innovative, locally developed solutions to help vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness.Â
SANTA FE -Â New Mexico State Parks, a Division of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), announces that, effective immediately, the sled hill is now closed at Hyde Memorial State Park in Santa Fe.
State Parks is instituting this closure because warming temperatures have melted the snow to the point that it is no longer safe for the public to use the sled hill. For more information about Hyde Memorial State Park, call 505-983-7175 or visit www.emnrd.nm.gov/spd / and click on Find a Park.
Ready for warmer weather? Reserve your camping space up to six months in advance at any of your 35 New Mexico State Parks through www.reserveamerica.com !
Without additional snowfall the sled hill is not safe, and mud is forming at the bottom of the hill.Â
Sales top $1 billion, $75 million excise tax reported through JanuaryÂ
SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced today that cannabis sales in New Mexico have topped $1 billion in adult-use and medical sales. The sales record comes a month prior to the second anniversary of legal adult-use cannabis sales in New Mexico.Â
Cannabis consumers have purchased more than $678.4 million worth of adult-use cannabis products and $331.6 million in medical products since April 1, 2022. To date, the state has recorded more than 21 million transactions with $75 million in cannabis excise taxes going to the state general fund and local communities.Â
Division's inaugural grant will assist 41 organizations market equitable events and programs
SANTA FE, N.M. – The Outdoor Recreation Division (ORD) of the New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) has awarded 41 recipients the first-ever Outdoor Marketing Grant (OMG) to support recreation initiatives and expand the reach of live events in 17 counties.
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham created the Outdoor Recreation Division in 2019 and identified outdoor recreation as a key target sector to diversify the economy. ORD has since invested over $18 million to fund outdoor access through the Outdoor Recreation Trails+, Outdoor Equity Fund, and Outdoor Marketing Grant programs.
New Mexico State Veterans Home (992 South Broadway)
Building D/Annex classroom
9 a.m. - noon
Truth or Consequences—The governor's Veterans' Advisory Council will host its next quarterly meeting on March 13 at the New Mexico State Veterans Home in Truth or Consequences, at 992 South Broadway.Â
The meeting will be from 9 a.m. – noon in Building D/Annex classroom—the building to the left as you enter the grounds.
Sugarite Canyon State Park
SANTA FE -Â New Mexico State Parks, a Division of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), announces that, effective immediately, ice fishing and any other ice related activities are closed at Lake Maloya and Lake Alice within Sugarite Canyon State Park.
State Parks is instituting this closure because warming temperatures have reduced the thickness of the ice to the point that it is no longer safe for the public to access the lake surfaces. For more information, call 575-445-5607 or visit www.emnrd.nm.gov/spd / and click on Park Alerts for updates.
Ready for warmer weather? Reserve your camping space up to six months in advance at any of your 35 New Mexico State Parks through reserveamerica.com !
ALBUQUERQUE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham today signed critical public safety legislation to reduce gun violence and strengthen penalties for violent criminals. Â
"This legislation strikes at the heart of issues that are keeping New Mexicans up at night," said Gov. Lujan Grisham. "We are losing far too many lives when guns get into the wrong hands and violent criminals are allowed to recommit again and again. This legislation addresses both."Â
 House Bill 129, Firearm Sale Waiting Period Crimes, establishes a statewide 7-day waiting period for the purchase of firearms, double the current waiting period required by the federal government. The law includes exemptions for concealed carry permit holders, Federal Firearms Licensees, transactions between law enforcement officers, law enforcement agencies, and immediate family members. The bill is sponsored by Reps. Andrea Romero, Dayan Hochman-Vigil and Cristina Parajon, and Sens. Linda M. Lopez and Joseph Cervantes.Â
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