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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Obituary notices.
Reuben Montoya, 95, a resident of San Lorenzo, NM, entered eternal rest on Friday, February 23, 2024 at his residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Suzanne L. James, 71, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at University Medical Center in El Paso, TX. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Anne Kiehne, 93, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Tony Huerta, 53, a resident of Santa Clara, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 near his residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Lorenzo Norero, 71, a resident of Bayard, NM, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at his residence.  Lorenzo, also known as "Okie-Dokie" was born on March 8, 1952 to his parents, Willie and Lupe(Merino) Norero in Silver City, NM.Â
He is survived by the loving mother of their children, Gloria Norero of Bayard, NM; his son, Lorenzo Norero, Jr. of Bayard, NM; his three daughters, Alicia Norero of Bayard, NM, Laura Norero of Tucson, AZ and Noel Baehr (John) of Idaho Falls, ID; his four grand-children, Christopher Norero (Fiance Lyn), Nicolas Baehr (Starri), Isabella Norero and Seven Norero; and his great-grandson, Nicolas Baehr, Jr. He was preceded in death by his parents; his sister, Helen Madrid.Â
Isidoro "Lolo" Lara entered eternal rest on February 20, 2024.
Lolo as he was affectionately known was born on April 4, 1932 in Dwyer, NM to Jose and Estefana Lara. He was raised in Grant County, and as an adult was employed by Kennecott Copper Corporation. Lolo retired in the late 1980's after 40 years of employment, continuing a good life in Bayard and the surrounding area. He also enjoyed meeting the locals through his side business of selling fruits and vegetables. In addition to being a car enthusiast, listening to music was also a favorite past-time.
Lolo is survived by his brother, Joe (Hilda) and his sister, Virginia (Phil); his sons, Roy (Helena), Billy (Jenny), Richard, David (Clorinda), and Lawrence; his daughters, Loretta, Carol, Lucy and Mary; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his sisters, Inez and Helen; his brothers, Felix and Art; his loving wife, Eva; daughter, Barbara; sons, Robert and Augustine.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Isidoro "Lolo" Lara, please visit our floral store.
Elizabeth Ann Barker, 79, former resident of Deming passed away Tuesday February 20, 2024 in Andover, Kansas. Arrangements are pending.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Elizabeth Ann Barker, please visit our floral store.
Consuelo R Holguin a resident of Bakersfield, California passed away Saturday February 10th 2024 at Bakersfield Medical Center. She was born September 9th 1935 to Margarite B. Rivera in Silver City, New Mexico, She lived and raised her 7 kids in Deming, New Mexico, She moved to Bakersfield, California in 1995 to be closer to her only daughter where she lived until her passing. She is survived by her children Armando ‘'Mary'' Holguin, Oscar ‘'Mary Ann'' Holguin, Steve Holguin, Richard Holguin, Pete Holguin, Thomas ‘'Jessica'' Holguin and Debbie ‘'Alex'' Borland and by her sister Linda Chavez, She was preceded in death by her mother Margarite Rivera, her brother Zeke Rivera and her sister Maria Aragon.
Consuelo ‘'Connie'' was devoted to God and her children whom she raised by herself. She was a hard working individual often holding 2 jobs to support and keep her children together. She had great influence on her children and grandchildren whom she loved dearly.
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