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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Obituary notices.
Susan P. Duarte, lifelong resident of Deming, has entered eternal rest on February 12, 2024. Susan, or "Susie", was a warm and inviting person. She was well known for her cooking and baking, especially her popcorn balls and biscochos, which people could never eat just one. Susie would cook for events, parties and just to sell and share her love for making good food, often wrangling in her sisters and family to help! When she wasn't cooking meals her other hobbies included canning homemade jams, fruit butters, and chiles, playing bingo and laughing with her loved ones. She looked forward to the Holy Family klobase bingo to win her family a turkey for thanksgiving, which she did every year. She will be greatly missed in many ways.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved daughter, baby sister, wife, mother, and nana, Ismelda Dominguez Sanchez. Mela, as she was fondly known, passed away on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at the age of 58 due to complications with cancer. She was born on April 27, 1965, in Lordsburg NM to Armando and Juana Dominguez of Animas, NM. Ismelda graduated from Animas High School in 1983. She moved to Lordsburg, where she worked in the billing department at Hidalgo Medical Services. She was the central figure in her husband, children, and grandchildren's lives and they were her pride and joy. She had many friends and brought an immeasurable amount of love and companionship to all who knew her. She is survived by her mother, Juana Dominguez of Animas NM. Her husband Carlos Sanchez of Lordsburg, NM. Her two sons Xavier and Miguel (Vanessa) Sanchez of Lordsburg NM, her grandkids JazzLynn and Bryan Diego. Her siblings Raul (Ellen) Dominguez of Safford. Lucy Mendoza of Animas, NM. Lucero (Dave) Burns of Puerto Penasco, MX. Rene (Felicia) Dominguez of Animas. Teresa (Frank) Garay of Arrey, NM, Daniel (Sylvia) of Animas, NM and many nieces and nephews as well as great nieces and nephews.
Maria Elena Valenzuela, 70, a resident of Lordsburg, NM, entered eternal rest Thursday, February 1, 2024 at Oro Valley Hospital in Tucson, AZ. She was born on November 2, 1953 to her parents, Andres and Emilia (Tavizon) Valenzuela in Silver City, NM.Â
Grandma Mary also known as Mary, Maria Elena, the Sargent, and Madea. She was a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, aunt, Nina and friend. She's remembered for her strong will, independence, strict nature, loving and caring character. No matter what time day or night, you knew that going to her house you would have a place to rest your head and a hot meal to eat. She welcomed anyone and treated everyone as her own. From lectures to love, she did everything whole heartedly. For those of you who don't know what the word Guadalupana means, it means a spiritual guide and a catechist means one who shares their faith commitment through word, experience and prayer. During her time as a Guadalupana, a catechist and active member of the church, that's exactly what she did. She encouraged her children and grandchildren to attend/serve the mass, participate in catechism, attend church events, most importantly she taught us to pray and build a relationship with God. She has taught us, guided us, loved us and plays a part of who we are today.
Ray Michael Carrillo, 69, of Silver City passed away February 5, 2024 in El Paso, TX.Â
Ray was born July 28, 1954 in Albuquerque, NM to Nick and Louisa Carrillo. Ray had been a resident of Silver City for about the last 40 years. Although Ray was a special needs person, he never failed to be an awesome brother, always happy and all smiles. Ray loved travelling to Albuquerque to one of his favorite destinations, The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Some of Ray's other favorite pastimes were watching and attending rodeos. He was an avid bowler as well, spending a lot of time at the bowling alley.
Ray leaves behind many loved ones, including the staff at Lessons of Life who are going to miss him dearly.Â
At the request of the family, a celebration of Ray's life will be at Twelve o'clock noon on Saturday, February 17, 2024 at the Silver City Elks Lodge #413, 4051 NM-90 across from the Silver City Humane Society, followed by a potluck lunch. Â Â
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Ray Michael Carrillo, please visit our floral store.
Carmen Rodriguez, 89, of Santa Clara passed away on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at Mt View Regional Medical Center in Las Cruces. Services are pending
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Carmen Rodriguez, please visit our floral store.
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