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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Obituary notices.
Raymond M. Tavizon, Jr., was born in Deming, New Mexico, on February 18, 1963, to Raymond and Mary Tavizon. He passed away on February 16, 2024, at his home after a brief and courageous battle with ALS.
Ray was raised in Lordsburg, but the family settled in Silver City when he was a boy. Â This is where Ray called home.Â
He proudly served as a Law Enforcement Officer for 37 years. Â He began his career as a Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office jailer. He worked for the City of Lordsburg Police Department as an officer, Lieutenant and Assistant Chief. Â In 1997, he began serving Grant County. Â He served as a Deputy until he was assigned to the Region 7 Drug Task Force. Â Ray was then assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division. He retired as a Sergeant in 2022. Â During his career, he was a mentor and friend to many officers. Â He took pride in serving. Â He was presented with many awards and certificates during his career. Â He was a Firearms Instructor for many years and enjoyed telling the funniest stories about his time on the Range.Â
Terry W. Moore, 73, entered eternal rest on Saturday, February 17, 2024 at Mesilla Valley Hospice in Las Cruces, NM. Arrangements are with Terrazas Funeral Chapels "Trusted care for the ones you love" ~ 575-537-0777. To send condolences, visit www.terrazasfuneralchapel.com .
Willa Jean Tow, 93, a resident of Friendswood, TX, entered eternal rest on Saturday, February 17, 2024 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Joseph Dautremont, 93, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest on Friday, February 16, 2024 at Las Palmas Stroke Center in El Paso, TX. Arrangements are with Terrazas Funeral Chapels "Trusted care for the ones you love" ~ 575-537-0777. To send condolences, visit www.terrazasfuneralchapel.com .
Wilma Jean Tapscott, 89, a resident of Santa Clara, NM, entered eternal rest Friday, February 16, 2024 at Fort Bayard Medical Center in Santa Clara, NM. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Manuelita "Nellie" Ordonez, 83, a resident of Silver City, NM, entered eternal rest Saturday, February 17, 2024 at her residence. Arrangements are pending with Terrazas Funeral Chapels ~ 575-537-0777.
Manuel V. Valdiviez, 74, Deming resident entered eternal rest on Friday, February 16, 2024 in El Paso, TX. Services are pending.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Manuel V. Valdiviez, please visit our floral store.
Margaret Trujillo was born April 19th, 1940. Â She passed away at Tucson Medical Center on February 6th, 2024 at 83 years of age.
She was raised and lived in Aragon New Mexico with her Mom Pablita De la O Madrid and her Dad Conrado Madrid. She had four siblings Joe Madrid, Carlos (Beto) Madrid, Ruby Hernandez, and Eva Ulibarri. She married Teofilo Trujillo of Hurley New Mexico and they were blessed with two sons, Stanley and Joseph and one daughter, Diane.
She loved the quiet small-town life. Her passions were cooking, playing cards, and spending time with friends and family. You could always count on being offered delicious homemade tortillas with chile and beans no matter what time of the day that you stopped by. Â She welcomed everyone with open arms and fed anyone who visited her. She left behind many memories of laughter and joy to all who knew her. She loved sharing many magnificent stories of her life and experiences to all. She was extremely strong both physically and mentally and her strong-will determination was next to none. Â Margaret will be deeply missed by everyone. Â
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