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[Editor's Note: This is the sixth of a series of articles on the Feb. 6, 2024, Grant County Commission work session and Feb. 8, 2024, regular meeting. This continues with the work session review of the regular meeting agenda and presentations and proclamations at the regular meeting, as well as the financial reports at the work session.]
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
County Manager Charlene Webb, center, presents the RAP (risk awareness program) award to the Grant County Safety Committee Chair Patrick Cohn and other members of the committee.
Webb, center, presents certificates of EDGE completion to Connie Holguin at left and Elizabeth Trujillo at right.
By 2024 Grant County 4-H Council Reporter, Allie Miller, 15 years old
From left are 2024 4-H Grant County Council Officers from left are Recreation Leader Juan Martinez, Secretary Krysten Jones, Vice-President Kayleigh Massengill, Treasurer Christopher Bennett, President Tucker Gatlin and Reporter Allie Miller having fun at awards night.
[Editor's Note: More Courtesy Photos are at the bottom of this article.]
On February 20, 2024, Grant County 4-H Council Officers Tucker Gatlin, Kayleigh Massengill, Krysten Jones, Chris Bennett, Allie Miller, and extension agents Jessica Massengill and Lauren Baker attended the Grant County Commissioners' meeting. The agents gave a presentation to the County Commissioners and "we officers sat quietly as we observed their use of parliamentary procedure in a formal setting. We had the chance to observe how the county government meetings worked and apply it to our own 4-H Council meetings."
By Lynn Janes
The Cobre Consolidated School Board held a regular meeting at San Lorenzo Elementary School on February 26, 2024. Board members in attendance included, , Gabriella Begay, Gilbert Guadiana (online), David Terrazas, Angelina Hardin, and Emmarie Heredia. Acting superintendent Michael Koury also attended.
Alicia Edwards, coordinator with Healthy Kids, Healthy Community of Grant County, attended to discuss with the board the wellness policy. The last time the district had updated the policy had been 2017. Edwards told the board that March 28, 2024, PED (Public Education Department) would be coming to the area to do an audit of the wellness program and policies. In 2017 the policy had not been fully developed but currently falls more in line with the requirements. She gave the board an explanation of the process for the audit.
By Lynn Janes
The town of Bayard held a regular meeting January 22, 2024. Attendance included Mayor John L. Ojinaga, Mayor Pro Tem Eloy Medina, Councilors Frances Gonzales, and Eloy Gonzales. Gabriel Ramos, city clerk, also attended.
Public input
Chuck Gray said he had put in an application for the council vacancy and did not see any interviews and wanted to know what would be done.
The council approved the consent agenda. It included accounts payable, minutes from past meetings, department reports and training for Robert Ruiz in Albuquerque.
Old business
Fair Driving Conditions Silver City Area
The Silver City Patrol reported the roadways with a light snow fall and wet, could become icy overnight. Please drive with caution, reduce speed, and obey all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT will continue to monitor roadways. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Difficult Driving Conditions in Silver City/Black Range Area
NM 152 is reported at snow packed & icy from milepost 15 (San Lorenzo) to milepost 40(Kingston). Please be sure to drive with caution, reduce speed, and follow all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT will continue to plow and monitor. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Difficult Driving Conditions Silver City Area
The Silver City Patrol reported the roadways with a light snow fall and wet, could become icy overnight. Please drive with caution, reduce speed, and obey all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT is out plowing and will continue to monitor roadways. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Difficult Driving Conditions Lordsburg to Silver City Area
NM 90 is reported as snow packed and icy from milepost 10 to 25(White Signal). Please drive with caution, reduce speed, and obey all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT is out plowing and will continue to monitor roadways. This event will be updated as conditions change.
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