The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. - In yet another significant change of position, Vice President Kamala Harris is now against the electric vehicle (EV) mandates she celebrated just five months ago. The Biden-Harris Administration handed down their EV mandate just last March making Harris’ latest reversal one of the quickest of many in her campaign.
“Kamala Harris said nothing when these rules were handed down just a few months ago by her administration, and yet again a staffer makes major policy reversal and we’re supposed to believe her? We deserve so much better than the cowardice of Kamala Harris who has hidden behind Biden and is now hiding behind a friendly media machine,” said Daniel Turner Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “Combined with her fracking flip-flop, this is the second major reversal from Harris against the failed energy agenda she helped craft. The inconvenient truth is Kamala Harris will abandon anything she feels hurts her politically on her quest for more power. The American people shouldn’t fall for it.”
Washington, D.C. - As the final night of the Democratic National Convention gets under way, many are noticing the lack of mentions about the Biden-Harris controversial energy agenda. A major story in the Washington Post outlines the silence as a possible political calculation on the part of the Harris campaign. Specifically, in the key election state of Pennsylvania where the natural gas industry is critical, and where the Harris agenda would do even more damage.
Power The Future Launches New Ad Campaign in Key States Demanding Incumbents Break Their Silence About Kamala on Energy
Washington, D.C. - Today, Power The Future will launch a social media campaign in Ohio, Montana, New Mexico, Alaska, and Nevada demanding key members of Congress from those states go on the record about Kamala Harris’ energy agenda. As the Democratic National Convention is in full swing in Chicago, these key members of Congress from energy states are noticeably absent. According to reports, at least four Senators and one at-large member of the House will not attend the DNC despite the fact they are up for re-election in November and energy plays a critical role in their states.
Washington, D.C. - On the two-year anniversary of the Biden-Harris Administration signing what they call the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA,) Americans are still suffering. The IRA was a $369 billion payout for “energy security and climate change” and a promise to reduce the federal deficit. Passed along party lines and requiring a tie-breaking vote from Vice President Kamala Harris, the promise of the IRA remains unfulfilled two years later.
Albuquerque – Today, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham proudly announced another major solar project. Her latest announcement arrives nearly one year to the day after her last major solar commitment that is now missing deadlines and raising major concerns. In response to the announcement, Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement:
BREAKING: Harris Picks Climate Clone in WalzWashington, D.C. - In selecting Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris is choosing to continue the failed energy policies of the last four years. As Governor, Walz signed bills requiring Minnesota to abandon affordable and reliable energy sources while also handing down arbitrary electric vehicle mandates. Additionally, while in Congress Walz also voted to support controversial cap-and-trade programs while voicing support for a carbon tax.
Albuquerque – Since Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee on July 21, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich and Congressman Gabe Vasquez continue to remain silent on her energy platform. Despite oil and gas providing $11.3 billion to New Mexico’s economy and employing 100,000 of their constituents, Heinrich and Vasquez have yet to speak about Harris’ position on the Green New Deal and her alleged reversal on a fracking ban. Additionally, as global financial markets plummet, Heinrich wants to simply label everything as “weird” and Vasquez is wishing himself a happy birthday.
Washington, D.C. - ?Today, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement on Vice President Kamala Harris’ ?newfound support ?of hydraulic fracking:
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