The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. - After draining the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) more than any other President in history, the Biden Administration announced today they are cancelling the purchase of replenishment barrels. The decision comes on the heels of news that American oil production fell by nearly 800,000 barrels a day from December to January this year.
Washington, D.C. - Four years ago, the Corona-19 "COVID" virus was declared a national emergency, and what was unleashed on the American people was not health related. Â People across the nation experienced unfettered violations of their First Amendment and property rights. Business shuttered indiscriminately while big-box stores with powerful lobbyists remained open. Government operatives shut down dissenting opinions online and on social media. Now those same forces are urging President Joe Biden to declare a "climate emergency" so they can wreak the same havoc on our nation. Â Â
Washington, D.C. - As a tacit admission their climate agenda has delivered skyrocketing costs on American families, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders announced the "Green New Deal" for housing today. In response, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future issued the following statement:
Washington, D.C. - Dubbing it an "electrical vehicle mandate in disguise," Power The Future slammed the new tailpipe emissions rules released today by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that call for up to 56 percent of all passenger vehicles sold to be fully electric within the next six years. The mandate comes amid a string of bad news for EVs, including slumping sales, production cuts, less investment, and layoffs.
"The Biden Administration is using executive orders to push this EV mandate because he knows Congress won't pass it and because the American people don't support it," said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. "If EVs are as popular as Joe Biden claims, he wouldn't have to force them through executive fiat or prop them up with taxpayer subsidies. With layoffs of workers, billions in losses, and CEO's losing their jobs, it's clear the electric vehicle bloodbath has already begun."
Washington, D.C. - Today, Power The Future called on Congress to defund President Joe Biden's "American Climate Corps," which was outlined in last week's White House budget proposal to the tune of $8 billion dollars to hire 50,000 government workers. While the move is supported by U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and other backers of the Green New Deal, the $8 billion price tag is nearly double the $4.7 billion Biden requested as a contingency fund to aid the border.
"Let's be clear: Joe Biden wants 50,000 new climate activists pushing his extreme agenda on the taxpayers' dime. Congress needs to defund this effort immediately," said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. "It's not a coincidence the President wants thousands of these activists on the payroll before Election Day because they will be another arm of his campaign effort. When Congress drafts their respective budgets, they must ensure this effort doesn't get a single dollar."
Washington, D.C. - President Biden offered no new solutions to his energy failures during tonight's State of the Union Speech. Instead, the American people were treated to more platitudes with a blind eye towards the Biden Administration's past broken promises. During tonight's remarks, the President failed to mention the so-called Inflation Reduction Act after the latest economic report shows inflation is still on the rise with energy costs being a key driver.
"This last twelve months have provided even more failures to Joe Biden's energy agenda and his refusal to acknowledge that fact tonight proves he's intentionally lying to the American people," said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. "A pathetic promise to saddle taxpayers with 20,000 members of his ‘Climate Corps' are not going to lower prices on America's working families. It's telling that Biden's Inflation Reduction Act is such a failure that it didn't even get mentioned tonight. Joe Biden surrendered American energy independence and no amount of platitudes or media spin can hide that fact."
Washington, D.C. - One week after Power The Future urged congressional leaders to launch an investigation into President Joe Biden's appointment of John Podesta as Climate Czar, House Energy and Commerce Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), ranking member for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, sent a letter to the White House late yesterday raising concerns the appointment of John Podesta is circumventing the law, according to an exclusive story in the Washington Examiner.
Washington, D.C. - Today marks the last day in office for Climate Czar John Kerry. Appointed by President Biden at the beginning of his term, Kerry was the first person to serve as leader in the office created without Congressional authorization. During his tenure, Kerry has traveled the world pushing President Biden's climate agenda while refusing to disclose the budget, staff, or the groups influencing the secret office. While Kerry worked for President Biden, the United States endured the highest gasoline prices in history and inflation not seen since the early 1980s.
"John Kerry may be smiling as he rides his private jet into the sunset, but the American people are still paying the real costs of his failure," said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. "For over three years, Kerry scoffed at every single attempt to bring accountability to his secret office while traveling the world to make climate deals the American people don't want. There's no doubt Kerry is excited for the next chapter of his life which will likely include big green paychecks and more elitist conferences."
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