The postings in this column will be primarily from Power the Future, which is a non-profit organization fighting for American energy workers.-?
Washington, D.C. - A new report titled Green Fail sheds light on the waste and widespread fraud running rampant in the Biden-Harris administration’s environmental policies, particularly those tied to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA.) The report, released by Power The Future, presents a detailed analysis of the misallocation of billions of taxpayer dollars and results that fall well short of expectations.
Washington, D.C. - The Kamala Harris campaign is again struggling to articulate the Vice President’s stance on fracking with two weeks to go before Election Day. In 2019, Harris favored an outright ban on fracking, then after ascending to the Democratic Nomination earlier this year, she reversed that position. Now, a top climate staffer is walking back those comments saying Harris would not expand fracking if she were to win next month.
“Kamala Harris continues to lie and twist herself into a pretzel about her positions on energy because she needs states like Pennsylvania in order to win the White House and her record of failure won’t cut it,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “The truth is crystal clear: Kamala Harris is lying about who she really is in order to get votes and no amount of campaign staff spin will change that reality.”
Debate: Heinrich Quiet on Green New Deal Support, Misleads on Inflation
Albuquerque – During tonight’s only scheduled Senate debate, it’s clear Senator Martin Heinrich went out of his way to hide his radical energy positions. Martin Heinrich proudly supports the Green New Deal, which would destroy New Mexico energy jobs and raise costs by over $70,000 per household in the first year alone. Heinrich also stated during the debate that inflation “has come down” despite the fact that inflation continues to grow. In response, Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement:
Albuquerque – An exclusive story out today by the Washington Reporter outlined how Senator Martin Heinrich took campaign donations from both sides of a failed New Mexico energy merger. In 2021, Sen. Heinrich wrote the proposed merger between Avangrid and PNM would “financially benefit PNM customers” without disclosing he took in $43,000 in campaign contributions from the companies before, during, and after the failure of the proposed merger. In fact, campaign reports show Heinrich took in $13,000 in donations in a single day from company employees just last fall.
Vice President says “I’ve been a part of most the decisions that have had an impact.
Washington, D.C. - Today, Vice President Kamala Harris told a national audience she can’t think of anything she would do differently than President Biden during their time in office. Her confession also included that she was a part of “most decisions that have had an impact.” During their time in office, the Biden-Harris Administration delivered the highest retail gas prices in history and inflation not witnessed since the early 1980s.
“It’s clear Kamala Harris got caught telling the truth and that’s probably why they don’t let her do a lot of interviews,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “Since she ascended to the nomination, she’s reportedly flipped her position on fracking, EV mandates, and single-use plastics, but it’s now clear she supports the failed positions of the last three years. If she was really so proud of the Biden-Harris record, she would stop flip-flopping from it.”
Latest Lawsuit Comes On Heels of Repeated Stonewalling
Washington, D.C. - After more than eight months of litigation with the U.S. Department of State, Power The Future is suing the Department of Justice (DOJ) over its systemic cover-up of the secretive Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC.) For years, Power The Future has filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests seeking basic information about the taxpayer-funded office formally run by John Kerry. At every turn, the Biden-Harris Administration has thwarted the law and used stalling tactics to keep this information hidden.
Washington, D.C. - During tonight’s first and only Vice Presidential Debate, Governor Tim Walz tried to defend the energy failures of Vice President Kamala Harris. In response to tonight’s debate, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future issued the following statement:
“Tonight JD Vance spoke the perfect truth: American energy is the cleanest energy in the world period. Not surprisingly, Kamala Harris is outsourcing energy to Chinese-made solar panels and Iranian oil exports with disastrous consequences. However, Tim Walz did finally briefly reference the Green New Deal, which are the last three words Kamala Harris wants voters to hear.”
Washington, D.C. - Last year was a record-breaking year for car thefts in the United States according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, but apparently electric vehicles aren’t on the most wanted list. According to the latest report, there were over 1 million vehicles stolen in 2023, setting another record after 2022, with 4 of 6 the least preferred vehicles being EVs.
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